achilles |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197 |
aeacidae |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
aegina |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
aeolian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 293 |
ajax, son of telamon |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
alcaeus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 411 |
amorgos |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188, 392 |
apollo |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 392; Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
arcadia |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
archilochus, i, v, vii, ix, xi |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197, 392 |
argos, argive |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 228 |
aristotle, politics |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
aristotle |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
artemisium |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
asia, as origin of pelops |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
asia minor |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
athena |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188; Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
aulis |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
basileus, basileis |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
boeotia |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
calaïs |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
calchas |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
callinus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
catalogue |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197 |
ceos |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
chios |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
chronology |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51 |
citizens, numbers of |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
colophon |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188, 293, 392, 411 |
constitution |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
cypria |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
cyprus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
cyrene |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
dalessio, giovan battista |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 293 |
deianeira |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
delphi |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 392; Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
diodorus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178, 392 |
dorian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 228 |
egalitarianism |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
egypt |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
elea |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188, 392 |
enemy |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51 |
epic, i |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197 |
equality |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
erineum |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 293 |
eunomia (eunomie) |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
euthune |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
exhortation, ix |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178 |
festival |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197, 228, 411 |
fictive founder |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
fictive founders |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
first person plural |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 197, 411 |
foundation legends, peloponnesus' |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
foundation legends |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
great rhetra |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
helots |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
hera |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178, 188, 293 |
heracles |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178, 228, 392 |
heraclidae |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 293, 392, 411 |
hermes |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
hexameters |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197 |
historiography, i |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 197 |
history, early |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 411 |
homer, homeric, elite bias of |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
hoplites |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
hortatory |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 411 |
ideology, egalitarian |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
iliad |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
intervention, divine |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188, 197 |
ionian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228, 392 |
italy |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
kings |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
laconia |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178, 188, 228 |
land, redistribution of (isomoiria) |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
lycurgus, of sparta |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178 |
martial |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 411 |
massilia |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
menelaus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
messenia |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 197, 228, 392 |
messenian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178 |
mimnermus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 197, 293, 392, 411 |
muse |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197 |
myth |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228, 392 |
nanno, smyrneis |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 293, 392 |
nanno |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 293 |
narrative elegy |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 197, 411 |
naxos, naxian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
neleid |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
neleus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 293 |
nessus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
oracle |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 188, 392 |
pan |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
panyassis |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
paros, parian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 411 |
pausanias |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
peloponnese |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 228, 293, 392 |
peloponnesus, foundation legend |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
pelops, as founder |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
philippides |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
pindar |
Gruen, Rethinking the Other in Antiquity (2011) 227 |
pipe |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 411 |
plataea |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197, 392 |
plutarch, lycurgus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178 |
plutarch |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
polis |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
polydorus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178 |
professional |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 411 |
prose |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 197 |
pylos |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228, 293 |
religion |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
rhodes |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
salamis |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
samos |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
semonides |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
ship |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188, 293 |
simonides |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188, 197, 392 |
sinope |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
smyrna |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 293 |
sources |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
sparta |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 188, 392, 411 |
spartan |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 188, 293, 392 |
speech |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 188 |
strabo |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 178, 293, 392, 411 |
suda |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
telamon |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
telesicles |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
tetrameters |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
thasos, thasian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188, 411 |
theopompus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178, 392 |
thrace, thracian |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
thucydides |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 197; Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
tisamenus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
trapezus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 228 |
tyndaridae |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
tyrtaeus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 51, 197, 293, 411 |
warfare |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
xenophanes |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 392 |
zetes |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 188 |
zeugitai |
Raaflaub Ober and Wallace, Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece (2007) 37 |
zeus |
Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 178, 188, 293 |