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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Statius, Siluae, 1.3.20-1.3.23

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Subjects of this text:

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asclepieum Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
asclepius Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
domitian Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
elpidius domitius Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
eumenes ii Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
flavius earinus Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
hadrian Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
nummius primus Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
paros Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
romans Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
rome Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101
sempronius' Trapp et al., In Praise of Asclepius: Selected Prose Hymns (2016) 101