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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Sophocles, Oedipus The King, 337-343

nanYou blame my anger, but do not perceive your own: no, you blame me. Oedipu

nanYou blame my anger, but do not perceive your own: no, you blame me. Oedipu

nanWho would not be angry hearing such words

nanOIDIPUS:What then, thou knowest, and yet willst not speak! Wouldst thou betray us and destroy the State? TEIRESIAS: I will not vex myself nor thee. Why ask Thus idly what from me thou shalt not learn? OIDIPUS:Monster! thy silence would incense a flint. Will nothing loose thy tongue? Can nothing melt thee, Or shake thy dogged taciturnity? TEIRESIAS: Thou blam'st my mood and seest not thine own Wherewith thou art mated; no, thou taxest me. OIDIPUS:And who could stay his choler when he heard How insolently thou dost flout the State? TEIRESIAS: Well, it will come what will, though I be mute. OIDIPUS:Since come it must, thy duty is to tell me. TEIRESIAS: I have no more to say; storm as thou willst, And give the rein to all thy pent-up rage. OIDIPUS:Yea, I am wroth, and will not stint my words, But speak my whole mind. Thou methinks thou art he, Who planned the crime, aye, and performed it too, All save the assassination; and if thou Hadst not been blind, I had been sworn to boot

nanwith which you now are slighting the city? Teiresia

nanThe future will come of itself, though I shroud it in silence. Oedipu

nanSince it must come anyway, it is right that you tell it to me. Teiresia

nanI will speak no further: rage, if you wish, with the fiercest wrath your heart knows. Oedipu

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

9 results
1. Homer, Iliad, 1.68-1.69, 1.106, 1.122 (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)

1.68. /in hope that he may accept the savour of lambs and unblemished goats, and be willing to ward off the pestilence from us. 1.69. /in hope that he may accept the savour of lambs and unblemished goats, and be willing to ward off the pestilence from us. When he had thus spoken he sat down, and among them arose Calchas son of Thestor, far the best of bird-diviners, who knew the things that were, and that were to be, and that had been before 1.106. / Prophet of evil, never yet have you spoken to me a pleasant thing; ever is evil dear to your heart to prophesy, but a word of good you have never yet spoken, nor brought to pass. And now among the Danaans you claim in prophecy that for this reason the god who strikes from afar brings woes upon them 1.122. /In answer to him spoke swift-footed brilliant Achilles:Most glorious son of Atreus, most covetous of all, how shall the great-hearted Achaeans give you a prize? We know nothing of a hoard of wealth in common store, but whatever we took by pillage from the cities has been apportioned
2. Sophocles, Antigone, 1001-1090, 115-134, 1348-1349, 135, 1350-1353, 136-154, 631-765, 988-1000 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

3. Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus, 1237-1238, 1769-1770, 733, 744, 834, 866, 931, 1236 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

4. Sophocles, Oedipus The King, 101, 1012-1013, 1016-1019, 102, 1020, 103, 1032, 1036, 104-106, 1068, 107, 1071-1072, 110-111, 1129-1131, 1133-1139, 114-115, 1169-1170, 1177-1181, 1184-1185, 1223-1296, 1345-1346, 1382-1384, 139-146, 1508, 179, 223, 227-229, 236-243, 273, 284-289, 298-304, 307, 310, 312-313, 316-317, 320-321, 324-336, 338-403, 405, 408-425, 429-444, 448-462, 532-630, 709, 711-712, 85, 863-869, 87, 870-872, 88, 882-883, 91-92, 946, 95, 953, 96, 964-969, 97, 970-972, 976, 98-100 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

5. Sophocles, Women of Trachis, 538, 552-553, 555-581, 584-587, 623, 629-630, 813, 537 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

537. and partly to grieve over my sufferings in your company. I have received a maiden—or, I believe, no longer a maiden, but an experienced woman—into my home, just as a mariner takes on cargo, a merchandise to wreck my peace of mind. And now we are two, a pair waiting under
6. Seneca The Younger, Hercules Oetaeus, 486-538, 567-582, 485 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

7. Seneca The Younger, Oedipus, 216, 233-238, 286, 418, 509, 697-708, 838-881, 915-979, 212 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

8. Epigraphy, Lscg, 154

9. Epigraphy, Lss, 115

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
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antigone (sophocles), and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285, 286
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chorus, antigone, oedipus tyrannus Budelmann, The Language of Sophocles: Communality, Communication, and Involvement (1999) 211, 212
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creon, and oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 737
curse (ara), self-curse Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 181
deianira, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 286
dialogue, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285, 286
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eudaimonia, rooted in thinking in sophocles Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180, 181
general parodos, of oedipus the king (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 508
gennaion Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 737
gods, and humans Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 376
groups, and individuals Budelmann, The Language of Sophocles: Communality, Communication, and Involvement (1999) 211, 212
groups, threatened and safe Budelmann, The Language of Sophocles: Communality, Communication, and Involvement (1999) 211, 212
haemon, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285
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hagneia, of words Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180
hercules on oeta (seneca) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 763
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incest Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 181
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loimos Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180
menelaus, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285, 286
miastor Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180
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oedipus, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285, 286
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oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 508; Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180, 181
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oedipus the king (sophocles), seer in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 376
oedipus the king (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 508
oracle, challenges to Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 376
past, the, and oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 508
perspective Budelmann, The Language of Sophocles: Communality, Communication, and Involvement (1999) 211, 212
philter, from deianira Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 763
phren/phrenes, seat of purity/impurity, in the antigone Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180
polis Budelmann, The Language of Sophocles: Communality, Communication, and Involvement (1999) 211, 212
prayer, chorus in oedipus tyrannus Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180, 181
prodicus Pucci, Euripides' Revolution Under Cover: An Essay (2016) 162
purity, of the leader Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 181
reconciliation, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 286
sacred regulations (inscriptional)' Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 181
scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285, 286
seers, challenges to Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 376
segal, c. p. Pucci, Euripides' Revolution Under Cover: An Essay (2016) 162
sequence, mythic Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 737
silence, of deianira Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 286
socrates Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285
sophocles Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180, 181
structure, of oedipus the king (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 508
teiresias Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 181
teucer, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285, 286
thebes Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 180
tiresias, and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 285, 286
tiresias, challenges to Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 376
women of trachis, the (sophocles), and agōn scenes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 286
women of trachis, the (sophocles), and seneca Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 763