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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Sophocles, Oedipus The King, 1449-1454

nanYes. And on you I lay this charge, to you I make this entreaty: give to the woman within such burial as you wish—you will properly render the last rites to your own. But never let this city of my father be condemned

nanto have me dwelling within, as long as I live. No, allow me to live in the hills, where Cithaeron, famed as mine, sits, which my mother and father, while they lived, fixed as my appointed tomb, so that I may die according to the decree of those who sought to slay me.

nanto have me dwelling within, as long as I live. No, allow me to live in the hills, where Cithaeron, famed as mine, sits, which my mother and father, while they lived, fixed as my appointed tomb, so that I may die according to the decree of those who sought to slay me.

nanto have me dwelling within, as long as I live. No, allow me to live in the hills, where Cithaeron, famed as mine, sits, which my mother and father, while they lived, fixed as my appointed tomb, so that I may die according to the decree of those who sought to slay me.

nanto have me dwelling within, as long as I live. No, allow me to live in the hills, where Cithaeron, famed as mine, sits, which my mother and father, while they lived, fixed as my appointed tomb, so that I may die according to the decree of those who sought to slay me.

nanto have me dwelling within, as long as I live. No, allow me to live in the hills, where Cithaeron, famed as mine, sits, which my mother and father, while they lived, fixed as my appointed tomb, so that I may die according to the decree of those who sought to slay me.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

1 results
1. Sophocles, Oedipus The King, 1072, 11, 114-115, 1185, 1193-1195, 12, 1207-1210, 1213, 1223-1296, 1298, 13, 1306, 1329, 1340-1341, 1345-1348, 1360-1385, 1388, 1391-1402, 1409-1415, 1426-1427, 1450-1454, 1473-1514, 1518-1519, 2-5, 711-714, 1 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
apollo Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
cithaeron, and oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513, 514
cithaeron Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
corinth Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
creon Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
crossroads Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
delphi Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
episodes, of oedipus the king (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513
exodos, of oedipus the king (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513, 514
home Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
jocasta Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
oedipus Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150; Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513, 514
oedipus the king (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513, 514
palace Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
past, the, and oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513, 514
re-enactment Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150
stasima, of oedipus the king (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513
structure, of oedipus the king (sophocles)' Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 513
thebes Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 150