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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus, 890-899

nanhere more swiftly than was pleasant. Oedipu

nanDearest of men! I know your voice. Terrible are the things I have just suffered at the hands of this man here. Theseu

nanDearest of men! I know your voice. Terrible are the things I have just suffered at the hands of this man here. Theseu

nanWhat things are these? And who has pained you? Speak! Oedipu

nanCreon, whom you see here

nanhas torn from me my children—my only two. Theseu

nanhas torn from me my children—my only two. Theseu

nanHurry, one of you attendants, to the altars there, and order the people to leave the sacrifice

nanHurry, one of you attendants, to the altars there, and order the people to leave the sacrifice

nanHurry, one of you attendants, to the altars there, and order the people to leave the sacrifice

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

8 results
1. Aeschylus, Persians, 354-432, 353 (6th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

353. ἦρξεν μέν, ὦ δέσποινα, τοῦ παντὸς κακοῦ 353. My Queen, some destructive power or evil spirit, appearing from somewhere or other, caused the beginning of our utter rout.
2. Euripides, Phoenician Women, 1104-1140, 1175, 1099 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

3. Sophocles, Ajax, 245-256, 298-299, 349-350, 364-367, 387-391, 412-413, 443, 457-466, 479-480, 492-493, 522, 542-543, 560-573, 594-595, 646-647, 658-665, 672-673, 677, 679-683, 201 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

4. Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus, 1001-1043, 1049-1051, 1066, 1095, 1156-1181, 1199, 1249, 1254-1396, 1413-1446, 1514-1515, 1518-1555, 510-511, 521-548, 55, 551-651, 654, 668-889, 891-1000 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

5. Sophocles, Oedipus The King, 83, 82 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

6. Sophocles, Women of Trachis, 178 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

178. Hush—no more ill-omened words! I see a man approaching who is crowned with garlands as if for joyous news. Enter the Messenger. Messenger:
7. Aristotle, Poetics, 18 (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

8. Statius, Thebais, 10.674-10.675, 10.683-10.685, 10.688, 10.699-10.719, 10.721, 10.736-10.737, 10.756-10.797, 10.801, 10.806-10.813, 10.817-10.818, 11.707, 11.724 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aeschylus, and space Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226
aeschylus Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
antigone, and oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
antigone Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203
antigone (sophocles), creon in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
antilabai Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 710
antistrophe Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 710
aristophanes Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
aristotle, on tragedy Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
aristotle aristotle Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
arrival, of creon Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
arrival, of the chorus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
athena Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
athens Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153; Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
building, stage Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
burial, role of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
changes, in costume Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
characters Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
chorus, the, arrival of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
colonus Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203
complication, and denouement Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
conacher, d. Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
costumes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
creon, arrival of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
creon, as a repeating character Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
creon, role of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
creon Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
deception Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
demosthenes Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
denouement, and complication Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
deuotio Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 205
discourse Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
dochmiac Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 710
drama Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
dramatis personae Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226
electra (sophocles), messengers in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226
episodes, length of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
episodes, of oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522, 523
episodes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
eteocles Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
frogs Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
general parodos, and the choruss arrival Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
general theseus, role of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213, 226
greek tragedy Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
halliwell, s. Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
hippeis (athenian cavalry) Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
iophon Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
ismene Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203
logeion Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
masks Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
menoeceus Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 205
messengers, use of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226
movement, of actors Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
naples, bilingualism in Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
nature, of creon Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
nature, of oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
nobility, of oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus, as a repeating character Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus, role of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
oedipus Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153; Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205; Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522, 523
oedipus at colonus (sophocles), actors in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
oedipus at colonus (sophocles), creon in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus at colonus (sophocles), oedipus in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus at colonus (sophocles), visible space in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226
oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522, 523
oedipus the king (sophocles), creon in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus the king (sophocles), oedipus in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
orchestra, and the stage Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
parakatalogē Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
peisander Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
performance Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
persians, the (aeschylus), and space Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226
poetry Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
pollux, on stichomythia Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 710
polynices Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
poseidon Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
repetition, of characters Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
rhetoric Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
rhythm, in ancient greek Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 710
sophocles Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
space, virtual Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226
stage, for the actors Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
stasima, of oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522, 523
statius, and euripides Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 205
statius, and greek tragedy Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
statius, and sophocles Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
statius, father of Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
stichomythia Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 710
strophe Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 710
structure, of oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522, 523
theater, of dionysus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 213
thebes Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
theseus Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
thucydides Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 175
tragedy' Poet and Orator: A Symbiotic Relationship in Democratic Athens (2019)" 153
tragedy Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
women of trachis, the (sophocles), messengers in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 226