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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus, 720-729

nanLand that is praised above all lands, now it is your task to make those bright praises seen in deeds! Oedipu

nanLand that is praised above all lands, now it is your task to make those bright praises seen in deeds! Oedipu

nanLand that is praised above all lands, now it is your task to make those bright praises seen in deeds! Oedipu

nanLand that is praised above all lands, now it is your task to make those bright praises seen in deeds! Oedipu

nanAh, dearest old men, now give me

nanthe final proof of my salvation! Choru

nanCourage! It will be yours. For even if I am aged, this country’s strength has not grown old. Enter Creon, with attendants. Creon

nanCourage! It will be yours. For even if I am aged, this country’s strength has not grown old. Enter Creon, with attendants. Creon

nanGentlemen, noble dwellers in this land, I see from your eyes that a sudden fear has troubled you at my coming;

nanGentlemen, noble dwellers in this land, I see from your eyes that a sudden fear has troubled you at my coming;

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

7 results
1. Euripides, Phoenician Women, 1104-1140, 1175, 1099 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

2. Sophocles, Ajax, 245-256, 298-299, 349-350, 364-367, 387-391, 412-413, 443, 457-466, 479-480, 492-493, 522, 542-543, 560-573, 594-595, 646-647, 658-665, 672-673, 677, 679-683, 201 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

3. Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus, 1001-1043, 1156-1181, 1199, 1249, 1254-1396, 1413-1446, 1514-1515, 1518-1555, 510-511, 521-548, 551-651, 654, 668-719, 721-1000 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

4. Sophocles, Oedipus The King, 83, 82 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

5. Sophocles, Women of Trachis, 178 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

178. Hush—no more ill-omened words! I see a man approaching who is crowned with garlands as if for joyous news. Enter the Messenger. Messenger:
6. Aristotle, Poetics, 18 (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

7. Statius, Thebais, 10.674-10.675, 10.683-10.685, 10.688, 10.699-10.719, 10.721, 10.736-10.737, 10.756-10.797, 10.801, 10.806-10.813, 10.817-10.818, 11.707, 11.724 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
antigone, and oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
antigone Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203; Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
antigone (sophocles), creon in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
aristotle, on tragedy Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
arrival, of creon Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
arrival, of the chorus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
athena Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
athens Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205; Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
characters Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
choral performance Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
chorus, the, arrival of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
colonus Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203
complication, and denouement Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
creon, arrival of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
creon, as a repeating character Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
creon Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
deception Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
demeter Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
denouement, and complication Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
deuotio Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 205
episodes, length of Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
episodes, of oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522
episodes Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
eteocles Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
eumenides Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
eurydice Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
general parodos, and the choruss arrival Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
ismene Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203; Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
menoeceus Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 205
naples, bilingualism in Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
nature, of creon Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
nature, of oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
nobility, of oedipus Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus, as a repeating character Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205; Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522
oedipus at colonus (sophocles), creon in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus at colonus (sophocles), oedipus in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522
oedipus the king (sophocles), creon in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
oedipus the king (sophocles), oedipus in Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
persephone Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
polynices Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
poseidon Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401
repetition, of characters Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 358
stasima, of oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522
statius, and euripides Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 205
statius, and greek tragedy Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
statius, and sophocles Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
statius, father of Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
structure, of oedipus at colonus (sophocles) Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 522
thebes Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
theseus Augoustakis, Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past (2014) 203, 204, 205
tragedy Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 715
zeus' Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 401