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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Sophocles, Ajax, 1010-1019

nanwhen I return without you. Yes, of course he will—a man who, even when enjoying good fortune, tends not to smile more brightly than before! What will a man like him leave unsaid? What insult will he forego against the bastard offspring of his spear’s war-prize, against your cowardly, unmanly betrayer, dear Ajax

nanwhen I return without you. Yes, of course he will—a man who, even when enjoying good fortune, tends not to smile more brightly than before! What will a man like him leave unsaid? What insult will he forego against the bastard offspring of his spear’s war-prize, against your cowardly, unmanly betrayer, dear Ajax

nanwhen I return without you. Yes, of course he will—a man who, even when enjoying good fortune, tends not to smile more brightly than before! What will a man like him leave unsaid? What insult will he forego against the bastard offspring of his spear’s war-prize, against your cowardly, unmanly betrayer, dear Ajax

nanwhen I return without you. Yes, of course he will—a man who, even when enjoying good fortune, tends not to smile more brightly than before! What will a man like him leave unsaid? What insult will he forego against the bastard offspring of his spear’s war-prize, against your cowardly, unmanly betrayer, dear Ajax

nanwhen I return without you. Yes, of course he will—a man who, even when enjoying good fortune, tends not to smile more brightly than before! What will a man like him leave unsaid? What insult will he forego against the bastard offspring of his spear’s war-prize, against your cowardly, unmanly betrayer, dear Ajax

nanor better yet, your treacherous betrayer with designs to govern your domain and your house after your death? So will he insult me; he is a man quick to anger, severe in old age, and his rage seeks quarrels without cause. And in the end I shall be thrust out of our land, and cast off

nanor better yet, your treacherous betrayer with designs to govern your domain and your house after your death? So will he insult me; he is a man quick to anger, severe in old age, and his rage seeks quarrels without cause. And in the end I shall be thrust out of our land, and cast off

nanor better yet, your treacherous betrayer with designs to govern your domain and your house after your death? So will he insult me; he is a man quick to anger, severe in old age, and his rage seeks quarrels without cause. And in the end I shall be thrust out of our land, and cast off

nanor better yet, your treacherous betrayer with designs to govern your domain and your house after your death? So will he insult me; he is a man quick to anger, severe in old age, and his rage seeks quarrels without cause. And in the end I shall be thrust out of our land, and cast off

nanor better yet, your treacherous betrayer with designs to govern your domain and your house after your death? So will he insult me; he is a man quick to anger, severe in old age, and his rage seeks quarrels without cause. And in the end I shall be thrust out of our land, and cast off

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

1 results
1. Sophocles, Ajax, 1001-1009, 1011-1027, 1047-1184, 141-142, 804, 866-879, 891-893, 915-916, 939-940, 952-970, 988-989, 992-1000 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
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audience, theatre Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 62
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dramatis personae Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 727
epiparodos Jouanna, Sophocles: A Study of His Theater in Its Political and Social Context (2018) 478; Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 64
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eurysaces Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Sophocles (2012) 62, 71
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