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Septuagint, Wisdom Of Solomon, 18.9

nanThat he may direct (every} man in the works of righteousness by the fear of God, That he may establish them all before the Lord

nanFor in secret the holy children of good men offered sacrifices,and with one accord agreed to the divine law,that the saints would share alike the same things,both blessings and dangers;and already they were singing the praises of the fathers.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

7 results
1. Septuagint, Psalms, 18.10, 35.2 (10th cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)

2. Septuagint, Wisdom of Solomon, 2.23, 7.26, 12.23-12.24, 12.27, 13.1-13.2, 13.4, 13.8 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

2.23. for God created man for incorruption,and made him in the image of his own eternity 7.26. For she is a reflection of eternal light,a spotless mirror of the working of God,and an image of his goodness. 12.23. Therefore those who in folly of life lived unrighteously thou didst torment through their own abominations. 12.24. For they went far astray on the paths of error,accepting as gods those animals which even their enemies despised;they were deceived like foolish babes. 12.27. For when in their suffering they became incensed at those creatures which they had thought to be gods, being punished by means of them,they saw and recognized as the true God him whom they had before refused to know. Therefore the utmost condemnation came upon them. 13.1. For all men who were ignorant of God were foolish by nature;and they were unable from the good things that are seen to know him who exists,nor did they recognize the craftsman while paying heed to his works; 13.2. but they supposed that either fire or wind or swift air,or the circle of the stars, or turbulent water,or the luminaries of heaven were the gods that rule the world. 13.4. And if men were amazed at their power and working,let them perceive from them how much more powerful is he who formed them. 13.8. Yet again, not even they are to be excused;
3. Septuagint, 4 Maccabees, 13.14-13.15 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)

13.14. Let us not fear him who thinks he is killing us 13.15. for great is the struggle of the soul and the danger of eternal torment lying before those who transgress the commandment of God.
4. Philo of Alexandria, On The Special Laws, 1.3 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

1.3. In consequence of which it would be most fitting for men to discard childish ridicule, and to investigate the real causes of the ordice with more prudence and dignity, considering the reasons why the custom has prevailed, and not being precipitate, so as without examination to condemn the folly of mighty nations, recollecting that it is not probable that so many myriads should be circumcised in every generation, mutilating the bodies of themselves and of their nearest relations, in a manner which is accompanied with severe pain, without adequate cause; but that there are many reasons which might encourage men to persevere and continue a custom which has been introduced by previous generations, and that these are from reasons of the greatest weight and importance.
5. Philo of Alexandria, On The Life of Moses, 2.12 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

2.12. But that he himself is the most admirable of all the lawgivers who have ever lived in any country either among the Greeks or among the barbarians, and that his are the most admirable of all laws, and truly divine, omitting no one particular which they ought to comprehend, there is the clearest proof possible in this fact, the laws of other lawgivers
6. New Testament, Romans, 1.19-1.23, 2.1 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

1.19. because that which is known of God is revealed in them, for God revealed it to them. 1.20. For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse. 1.21. Because, knowing God, they didn't glorify him as God, neither gave thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. 1.22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools 1.23. and traded the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things. 2.1. Therefore you are without excuse, O man, whoever you are who judge. For in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself. For you who judge practice the same things.
7. Anon., Letter of Aristeas, 132

132. punishments inflicted by God upon the guilty. For he proved first of all that there is only one God and that his power is manifested throughout the universe, since every place is filled with his sovereignty and none of the things which are wrought in secret by men upon the earth escapes His knowledge. For all that a man does and all that is to come to pass in the future are manifest to

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
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andreia Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 194
aristobulus Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 191
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fear, of god Hockey, The Role of Emotion in 1 Peter (2019) 185
fear Hockey, The Role of Emotion in 1 Peter (2019) 185
gentiles Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
gods Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
goods, benefit Hockey, The Role of Emotion in 1 Peter (2019) 185
hayes, christine Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 188
honor Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
identity Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
injustice Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 190
jews Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
justice, divine Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 190, 194
law, divine Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 188, 190, 191
law, human Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 188, 190, 191
light Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022) 199
middle ages Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
miracle Allison, 4 Baruch (2018) 269
moses Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 188
nan, anger Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
neoplatonism Piovanelli, Burke, Pettipiece, Rediscovering the Apocryphal Continent: New Perspectives on Early Christian and Late Antique Apocryphal Textsand Traditions. De Gruyter: 2015 (2015) 74
pagan Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
paredros Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 190
passover/pesaḥ Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022) 199
philo Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 188
phronēsis Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 194
piety Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 194
power Hockey, The Role of Emotion in 1 Peter (2019) 185
prayer Allison, 4 Baruch (2018) 269
pseudepigrapha, christian signature features Piovanelli, Burke, Pettipiece, Rediscovering the Apocryphal Continent: New Perspectives on Early Christian and Late Antique Apocryphal Textsand Traditions. De Gruyter: 2015 (2015) 74
rationale Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
reconfiguration Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
resurrection Allison, 4 Baruch (2018) 269
reward Allison, 4 Baruch (2018) 269
self, positioning of Hockey, The Role of Emotion in 1 Peter (2019) 185
sirach, book of Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 188
sōphrosunē Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 194
textures, ideological Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
theme Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
topos/topoi Robbins, von Thaden and Bruehler,Foundations for Sociorhetorical Exploration : A Rhetoric of Religious Antiquity Reader (2006)" 137
torah, and wisdom Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 188
torah Legaspi, Wisdom in Classical and Biblical Tradition (2018) 190, 191
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