abraham, in tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
abraham, tobiah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100, 149 |
abraham |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351; Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
adam, condition of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
afterlife |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
angel, angelology |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
angel exterminator |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
angels of the divine presence, in job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
anger, god (lord), of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
antiochus iv epiphanes |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101 |
apocrypha |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
archetypes, as a vorlage, basic text |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
ash(es) |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63, 132 |
asmodeus |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
assyrian, court |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
assyrian, king |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100, 145 |
assyrians |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
aēšma daēuua (from šmd) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
aḥiqar, literary genre |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 149 |
aḥiqar, textual forms |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
aḥiqar, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 145 |
aḥiqar, versions, arabic |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
aḥiqar, versions, syriac |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
babylonian |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
bildungsroman, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101 |
bildungsroman, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 101, 149 |
bitterness |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
blessing |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
blindness and healing, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 145, 149 |
burial of death, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
burial of death, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
careless |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
childbirth, pain (agony) of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
climax |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
codex sinaiticus |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
cold |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
confession |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
corruptible |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
covenant, disobedience to |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
covenant |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199; Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
creation topoi |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
creational |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
curse, eve, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
daniel, book of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
darkness (blindness) |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 123 |
david |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199; Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
death, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 149 |
death, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101, 149 |
death |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199; Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63, 132, 149 |
deceased |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
demon, demonology |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
desecration (second temple) |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101 |
deselaers, paul |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101 |
deuteronomy 32 |
Schwartz, 2 Maccabees (2008) 262 |
diaspora |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101 |
dichotomization |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
disease and pain |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
disgrace, sarah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
disgrace, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
divine providence |
Schwartz, 2 Maccabees (2008) 262 |
dust |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
earth |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 149 |
ecbatana |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
egyptian, region |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
egyptian |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
elephantine, account, papyrus, text, version of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
elijah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
endogamy |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
esarhaddon (sacherdonos/sarchedonos or archedonassar) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
evil |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
exhortation, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 149 |
exhortation, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 149 |
exiles, assyrian |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 123 |
fabula, motif |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7, 69 |
fabula, plot |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
fabula, theme |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 105 |
faith, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
faith, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 73, 101, 105 |
faith, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 73, 105, 145 |
faithfulness, fidelity to the law, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7, 101 |
family, in tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
fate |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
father-son relationship, in aḥiqar (adoptive son) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
father-son relationship, in tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
forgiveness |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
gabael |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 149 |
genealogy |
Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022) 292 |
god, anger of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
god, hiding his face |
Schwartz, 2 Maccabees (2008) 262 |
god |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
good works, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
greek novel, similarities and differences with tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
grief |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
hades |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
halakhah |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101 |
hannah (tobits wife) |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 123 |
heart |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
heat |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
human, existence |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
humor(ous) |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
immortality |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
inheritance, ancient near eastern |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 149 |
injustice |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
innocent suffering of the just man, in ancient near eastern poems |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
innocent suffering of the just man, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 101 |
innocent suffering of the just man, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
invocation of death, elijah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
invocation of death, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101 |
invocation of death, jonah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
invocation of death, sarah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
invocation of death, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
irony, in tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
israel |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
israelites |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
jacob |
Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022) 292 |
jerusalem, new jerusalem |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
jewish, literary genres |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
job, book of, author |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
job, book of, epilogue |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
job, book of, frame, narrative |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
job, book of, prologue |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
job, book of, sources |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
job, book of, theodicy |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
jonah, tobiah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7, 69 |
jonah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
joseph and aseneth |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
journey, in odyssey |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
journey, in tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
judgment |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
judith, book of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
justice |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
kings of assyria, sennacherib |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 123 |
lamentation, protest, rebellion |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 101 |
latin forms of book of tobit, vetus latina (long) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
latin forms of book of tobit, vulgate (short) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
literary genres, fable |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
literary genres, fairytale |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
literary genres, folktale, folk story |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
literary genres, legend |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 105 |
literary genres, novel or roman/romance |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
literary genres, short story |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
lot |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
macatangay, francis m. |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 123 |
mesopotamian, region, milieu |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
metempsychosis |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
misfortune, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101 |
misfortune, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
misfortune |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 101 |
mocking |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
mortal |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
moses |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101 |
motifs (thematic), god turns away in anger' |
Schwartz, 2 Maccabees (2008) 262 |
nadin (nadab, haman) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
narrative, divine and prophane mixed |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
narrative, edifying, didactic |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7, 69, 73 |
narrative, fictitious character |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
narrative, happy ending |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
narrative, hymnic |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
narrative, level, sexual |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
narrative, love and adventures |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
narrative, popular |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
narrative, prophetic |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
narrative, supernatural |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
narrative, theological |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
near east, ancient, cultures and peoples |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
near east, ancient, literature |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
near east, ancient, world |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 149 |
nephtali |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
nineveh, locus of deportation |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
nostos, νόστος, return home, in tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
nostos, νόστος, return home, odysseus |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
nostos, νόστος, return home, tobiah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
novel, ancient |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
odysseus, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
old age, old man, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
oppression, bitterness, by |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
oppression, burning, by |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
original core, tale, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
original core, tale, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
pain, suffering, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
pain, suffering, in babylonian and egyptian poems |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
pain, suffering, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 101, 105 |
pain, suffering, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 73, 100, 101, 105, 149 |
parallelism |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
persia |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
persian |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
physical |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
pietas, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
piety, trilogy of pious actions →alms, fast, prayer |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
platonic |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
poor |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199; Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
praise |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
prayer, instructions about |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
prayer, jewish |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
prayer, supplication, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
prayer, supplication, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101 |
prayer, supplication, sarah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
prayer, supplication, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 100, 101, 145 |
prayer |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101, 123; Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199; Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
preexistence |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
prophets |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
psalms, book of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
qumran, fragments of tobit ix |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
rages |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
raguel |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169; Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
raphael (angel) |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 123 |
reproaches |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
resurrection |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 149 |
retribution, traditional doctrine |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
revelation |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
riddle |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
righteous, the |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 149 |
righteousness, rectitude, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 145, 149 |
righteousness |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
sacrifice |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351, 677 |
sarah, death |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
sarah, in tobit |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
sarah, married to tobiah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
sarah, prayer of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
sarah, story of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
sarah, suffering |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
sarah (daughter of raguel) |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 123 |
sargon ii, śāṭān, tempter |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
sargon ii |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
secrets/confidences, keeping/betraying |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
sennacherib (king) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
septuagint |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
sex/sexual |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
shalmaneser v (king) |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
sheol |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101 |
sin, disobedience |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 100, 101, 145, 149 |
sinai, mount |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
slave |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
solomon, testament of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
soul |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63, 132, 149 |
spirit |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63, 132; Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
structuralist, analysis, function, narrative |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
suffering. pain, θλῖψις, θλίβειν, senses of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
suffering. pain, λύπη, λυπεῖν, senses of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
suffering. pain, ḥālaṣ |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
sweetness |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 677 |
syro-palestine, syro-palestinian |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
tears |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
temporal |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
testament of solomon |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 100 |
thanks, giving |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
time, chronological |
Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022) 292 |
time, linear |
Beyerle and Goff, Notions of Time in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature (2022) 292 |
tobiah, marriage |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
tobiah, story |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 149 |
tobiah |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7 |
tobit, author x |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 105 |
tobit, epilogue |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
tobit, family of |
Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75 |
tobit, formation, history of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
tobit, frame, historical |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
tobit, friends |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
tobit, integrity |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 105 |
tobit, legend, ancient |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 105 |
tobit, plot |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
tobit, prologue |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
tobit, sources |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69 |
tobit, story |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 100, 101, 145 |
tobit |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101, 123; Langstaff, Stuckenbruck, and Tilly,, The Lord’s Prayer (2022) 75; Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
topoi, creation |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 63 |
traditional, wisdom |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 7, 149 |
tragic(ally) |
Johnson Dupertuis and Shea, Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives (2018) 169 |
transgression, adam, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 351 |
trials, provocations, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 73 |
tribulation |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101 |
wealth, prosperity, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
wealth, prosperity, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145 |
wicked |
Garcia, On Human Nature in Early Judaism: Creation, Composition, and Condition (2021) 132 |
widow |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
wife, job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |
wife, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 145, 149 |
wife |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
wise man, aḥiqar |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
wise man, tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 145, 149 |
wound |
Corley, Ben Sira's Teaching on Friendship (2002) 199 |
xeravits, géza g. |
Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 101 |
yhwh, in job |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 101 |
yhwh, in tobit |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 73, 100, 101 |
yhwh, justice of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73, 100 |
yhwh, mercy, providence |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 69, 73, 100, 145 |
ἐλεημοσύνη (elemosyna), senses of |
Toloni, The Story of Tobit: A Comparative Literary Analysis (2022) 73 |