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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Septuagint, Judith, 7.10

nanFor these people, the Israelites, do not rely on their spears but on the height of the mountains where they live, for it is not easy to reach the tops of their mountains.

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
advice and advisers Gera, Judith (2014) 238
angel of god Gera, Judith (2014) 338
army, assyrian, mixed Gera, Judith (2014) 241
army, assyrian, officers Gera, Judith (2014) 238, 241
assyrians, court talesnan Gera, Judith (2014) 338
bethulia, springs Gera, Judith (2014) 238, 241
book of judith, chronology Gera, Judith (2014) 238
book of judith, irony and humor Gera, Judith (2014) 241
book of judith, original language Gera, Judith (2014) 84
coastal cities and people Gera, Judith (2014) 238, 338
commanders, army Gera, Judith (2014) 238
earth, entire Gera, Judith (2014) 238
edom and edomites Gera, Judith (2014) 238
esther, in mt Gera, Judith (2014) 338
fasting Gera, Judith (2014) 241
food Gera, Judith (2014) 238
hagar Gera, Judith (2014) 338
highlands, mountains, and hills Gera, Judith (2014) 238
holophernes, conquers and destroys Gera, Judith (2014) 238
holophernes, feminized Gera, Judith (2014) 238
homer Gera, Judith (2014) 338
hunger Gera, Judith (2014) 238, 241
jonah Gera, Judith (2014) 338
judith, beautiful and seductive Gera, Judith (2014) 338
language and style, book of judith, awkward and difficult Gera, Judith (2014) 84
language and style, book of judith, elegant style Gera, Judith (2014) 84
language and style, book of judith, future forms Gera, Judith (2014) 241
language and style, book of judith, infinitive absolute Gera, Judith (2014) 84
language and style, book of judith, key words and internal echoes Gera, Judith (2014) 241, 338
language and style, book of judith, relative clauses Gera, Judith (2014) 84
language and style, book of judith, septuagint influence Gera, Judith (2014) 241
language and style, book of judith, syntax Gera, Judith (2014) 84
language and style Gera, Judith (2014) 84
maid, judiths Gera, Judith (2014) 338
moab and moabites Gera, Judith (2014) 238, 338
nature, overturned Gera, Judith (2014) 238
panthea Gera, Judith (2014) 338
prayer Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 154
questions Gera, Judith (2014) 84, 338
rahab Gera, Judith (2014) 338
septuagint Gera, Judith (2014) 84
sieges Gera, Judith (2014) 238, 241
sinai, single man Gera, Judith (2014) 241
tenacity Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 154
tents, holophernes Gera, Judith (2014) 238
trauma Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 154
turmoil (crisis)' Allen and Doedens, Turmoil, Trauma and Tenacity in Early Jewish Literature (2022) 154
valleys Gera, Judith (2014) 238
water shortage Gera, Judith (2014) 238, 241, 338
xenophon Gera, Judith (2014) 338