4. Septuagint, Ecclesiasticus (Siracides), 3.30, 4.7-4.10, 9.10-9.16, 10.12-10.18, 12.4, 12.10-12.12, 12.14, 12.16, 15.7, 16.1-16.3, 16.17-16.23, 17.11-17.14, 17.17, 17.19-17.20, 17.22-17.23, 29.12, 40.17, 40.24 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)
| 4.7. Make yourself beloved in the congregation;bow your head low to a great man. 4.8. Incline your ear to the poor,and answer him peaceably and gently. 4.9. Deliver him who is wronged from the hand of the wrongdoer;and do not be fainthearted in judging a case. 9.11. Do not envy the honors of a sinner,for you do not know what his end will be. 9.12. Do not delight in what pleases the ungodly;remember that they will not be held guiltless as long as they live. 9.13. Keep far from a man who has the power to kill,and you will not be worried by the fear of death. But if you approach him, make no misstep,lest he rob you of your life. Know that you are walking in the midst of snares,and that you are going about on the city battlements. 9.14. As much as you can, aim to know your neighbors,and consult with the wise. 9.15. Let your conversation be with men of understanding,and let all your discussion be about the law of the Most High. 9.16. Let righteous men be your dinner companions,and let your glorying be in the fear of the Lord. 10.12. The beginning of mans pride is to depart from the Lord;his heart has forsaken his Maker. 10.12. There is another who is slow and needs help,who lacks strength and abounds in poverty;but the eyes of the Lord look upon him for his good;he lifts him out of his low estate 10.13. For the beginning of pride is sin,and the man who clings to it pours out abominations. Therefore the Lord brought upon them extraordinary afflictions,and destroyed them utterly. 10.13. and raises up his head,so that many are amazed at him. 10.14. The Lord has cast down the thrones of rulers,and has seated the lowly in their place. 10.14. Good things and bad, life and death,poverty and wealth, come from the Lord. 10.15. The Lord has plucked up the roots of the nations,and has planted the humble in their place. 10.16. The Lord has overthrown the lands of the nations,and has destroyed them to the foundations of the earth. 10.17. He has removed some of them and destroyed them,and has extinguished the memory of them from the earth. 10.17. The gift of the Lord endures for those who are godly,and what he approves will have lasting success. 10.18. Pride was not created for men,nor fierce anger for those born of women. 10.18. There is a man who is rich through his diligence and self-denial,and this is the reward allotted to him: 12.4. Give to the godly man, but do not help the sinner. 12.11. Even if he humbles himself and goes about cringing,watch yourself, and be on your guard against him;and you will be to him like one who has polished a mirror,and you will know that it was not hopelessly tarnished. 12.12. Do not put him next to you,lest he overthrow you and take your place;do not have him sit at your right,lest he try to take your seat of honor,and at last you will realize the truth of my words,and be stung by what I have said. 12.14. So no one will pity a man who associates with a sinner and becomes involved in his sins. 12.16. An enemy will speak sweetly with his lips,but in his mind he will plan to throw you into a pit;an enemy will weep with his eyes,but if he finds an opportunity his thirst for blood will be insatiable. 15.7. Foolish men will not obtain her,and sinful men will not see her. 16.1. Do not desire a multitude of useless children,nor rejoice in ungodly sons. 16.1. nor for the six hundred thousand men on foot,who rebelliously assembled in their stubbornness. 16.2. If they multiply, do not rejoice in them,unless the fear of the Lord is in them. 16.2. And no mind will reflect on this. Who will ponder his ways? 16.3. Do not trust in their survival,and do not rely on their multitude;for one is better than a thousand,and to die childless is better than to have ungodly children. 16.3. with all kinds of living beings he covered its surface,and to it they return. 16.17. Do not say, "I shall be hidden from the Lord,and who from on high will remember me?Among so many people I shall not be known,for what is my soul in the boundless creation? 16.18. Behold, heaven and the highest heaven,the abyss and the earth, will tremble at his visitation. 16.19. The mountains also and the foundations of the earth shake with trembling when he looks upon them. 16.21. Like a tempest which no man can see,so most of his works are concealed. 16.22. Who will announce his acts of justice?Or who will await them? For the covet is far off. 16.23. This is what one devoid of understanding thinks;a senseless and misguided man thinks foolishly. 17.11. He bestowed knowledge upon them,and allotted to them the law of life. 17.12. He established with them an eternal covet,and showed them his judgments. 17.13. Their eyes saw his glorious majesty,and their ears heard the glory of his voice. 17.14. And he said to them, "Beware of all unrighteousness." And he gave commandment to each of them concerning his neighbor. 17.17. He appointed a ruler for every nation,but Israel is the Lords own portion. 17.19. All their works are as the sun before him,and his eyes are continually upon their ways. 17.22. A mans almsgiving is like a signet with the Lord and he will keep a persons kindness like the apple of his eye. 17.23. Afterward he will arise and requite them,and he will bring their recompense on their heads. 29.12. Store up almsgiving in your treasury,and it will rescue you from all affliction; 40.17. Kindness is like a garden of blessings,and almsgiving endures for ever. 40.24. Brothers and help are for a time of trouble,but almsgiving rescues better than both. |