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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Septuagint, 4 Maccabees, 16.2

nanThus I have demonstrated not only that men have ruled over the emotions, but also that a woman has despised the fiercest tortures.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

1 results
1. Septuagint, 4 Maccabees, 1.23, 7.10, 13.3, 13.7, 15.23, 16.3, 16.12-16.13, 16.20-16.23 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)

1.23. Fear precedes pain and sorrow comes after. 7.10. O aged man, more powerful than tortures; O elder, fiercer than fire; O supreme king over the passions, Eleazar! 13.3. But in fact it was not so. Instead, by reason, which is praised before God, they prevailed over their emotions. 13.7. o the seven-towered right reason of the youths, by fortifying the harbor of religion, conquered the tempest of the emotions. 15.23. But devout reason, giving her heart a man's courage in the very midst of her emotions, strengthened her to disregard her temporal love for her children. 16.3. The lions surrounding Daniel were not so savage, nor was the raging fiery furnace of Mishael so intensely hot, as was her innate parental love, inflamed as she saw her seven sons tortured in such varied ways. 16.12. Yet the sacred and God-fearing mother did not wail with such a lament for any of them, nor did she dissuade any of them from dying, nor did she grieve as they were dying 16.13. but, as though having a mind like adamant and giving rebirth for immortality to the whole number of her sons, she implored them and urged them on to death for the sake of religion. 16.20. For his sake also our father Abraham was zealous to sacrifice his son Isaac, the ancestor of our nation; and when Isaac saw his father's hand wielding a sword and descending upon him, he did not cower. 16.21. And Daniel the righteous was thrown to the lions, and Haiah, Azariah, and Mishael were hurled into the fiery furnace and endured it for the sake of God. 16.22. You too must have the same faith in God and not be grieved. 16.23. It is unreasonable for people who have religious knowledge not to withstand pain.

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