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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Seneca The Younger, Oedipus, 825-830

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

2 results
1. Sophocles, Oedipus The King, 1170, 316-317, 328-329, 332, 697-862, 1169 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

2. Seneca The Younger, Oedipus, 697-708, 811, 819-821, 826-830, 838-881, 286 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aside Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278
creon Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
creon (jason myth) Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 279
cue Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
curiosity Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
death Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 279
dialogue Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
entrances Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
identity Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278
jocasta Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
knowledge Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
laius Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
murder Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
oedipus Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279; Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
pain Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
passions Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
philosophy Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
plague Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278
pleasures Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
plot Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 279
power Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 279
seneca the younger Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
sophocles Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
stoic Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278, 279
thebes Harrison, Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy (2015) 278
tiresias Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178
truthfulness' Jażdżewska and Doroszewski,Plutarch and his Contemporaries: Sharing the Roman Empire (2024) 178