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Plutarch, Marius, 46.1

Πλάτων μὲν οὖν ἤδη πρὸς τῷ τελευτᾶν γενόμενος ὕμνει τὸν αὐτοῦ δαίμονα καὶ τὴν τύχην, ὅτι πρῶτον μὲν ἄνθρωπος, εἶτα Ἕλλην, οὐ βάρβαρος οὐδὲ ἄλογον τῇ φύσει θηρίον γένοιτο, πρὸς δὲ τούτοις, ὅτι τοῖς Σωκράτους χρόνοις ἀπήντησεν ἡ γένεσις αὐτοῦ. Plato, however, when he was now at the point of death, lauded his guardian genius and Fortune because, to begin with, he had been born a man and not an irrational animal; again, because he was a Greek and not a Barbarian; and still again, because his birth had fallen in the times of Socrates.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

6 results
1. Plutarch, Alexander The Great, 28.1 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

28.1. In general, he bore himself haughtily towards the Barbarians, and like one fully persuaded of his divine birth and parentage, but with the Greeks it was within limits and somewhat rarely that he assumed his own divinity. However, in writing to the Athenians concerning Samos, he said: I cannot have given you that free and illustrious city; for ye received it from him who was then your master and was called my father, meaning Philip.
2. Plutarch, Dion, 1.1 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

3. Plutarch, Marius, 45.3, 45.9, 45.11-45.12, 46.2-46.5 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

4. Plutarch, Moralia, 505a, 768d, 330d (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

5. Plutarch, Pelopidas, 17.11, 20.1 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

6. Diogenes Laertius, Lives of The Philosophers, 4.4, 8.36 (3rd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

4.4. Plutarch in the Lives of Lysander and Sulla makes his malady to have been morbus pedicularis. That his body wasted away is affirmed by Timotheus in his book On Lives. Speusippus, he says, meeting a rich man who was in love with one who was no beauty, said to him, Why, pray, are you in such sore need of him? For ten talents I will find you a more handsome bride.He has left behind a vast store of memoirs and numerous dialogues, among them:Aristippus the Cyrenaic.On Wealth, one book.On Pleasure, one book.On Justice,On Philosophy,On Friendship,On the Gods,The Philosopher,A Reply to Cephalus,Cephalus,Clinomachus or Lysias,The Citizen,of the Soul,A Reply to Gryllus 8.36. This is what Alexander says that he found in the Pythagorean memoirs. What follows is Aristotle's.But Pythagoras's great dignity not even Timon overlooked, who, although he digs at him in his Silli, speaks ofPythagoras, inclined to witching works and ways,Man-snarer, fond of noble periphrase.Xenophanes confirms the statement about his having been different people at different times in the elegiacs beginning:Now other thoughts, another path, I show.What he says of him is as follows:They say that, passing a belaboured whelp,He, full of pity, spake these words of dole:Stay, smite not ! 'Tis a friend, a human soul;I knew him straight whenas I heard him yelp !

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
alexander iii of makedon Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
ambition/ambitious Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
antony (mark antony) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
athens Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
character (plutarchs and readers concern with) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
closure (endings of biographies) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
consciousness Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
cosmopolitanism Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
criticism, plutarchs Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
criticism Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
daimon, cultural pair with tyche Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
death Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
death of philosophers Merz and Tieleman, Ambrosiaster's Political Theology (2012) 190
demetrius i (poliorcetes) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
education/educational/educative Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
envy Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124; Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
epicureans Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
examples (i.e. paradigm), comparative/parallel Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
examples (i.e. paradigm) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
fortune, the subjects attitude towards Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
fortune Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124; Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
fortune (tuchē), cultural pair with daimon Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
general statements (moral) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
greek/barbarian division Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
happiness Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
happiness (eudaimonia) Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
humankind, unity of Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
idealism (contrasted with practicality) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
koinonia Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
love of command (philarchia) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
man, rational being Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
marcus manilius, on astrological places Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
marius Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
minds, internal Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
moralism, in the lives Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
moralism Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
omens Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
omissions Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
passion Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
passions Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
philosophy/philosophers/philosophical, and politics Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
philosophy/philosophers/philosophical Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
phocion Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
phthiriasis Merz and Tieleman, Ambrosiaster's Political Theology (2012) 190
places, astrological, agathos daimon and Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
places, astrological, felix fortuna' Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
places, astrological, functions of Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
plato, laws Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
plato, platonic Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
plato Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
plutarch Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
plutarchs lives, life of marius Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
politics, the subjects preoccupation with Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
politics Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
posidonius, on happiness and the daimon Gieseler Greenbaum, The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence (2015) 59
prologue (to plutarchs book) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
prophecy Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
pyrrhus Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
rational, beings Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
reasonings Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
retrospection (backward movement) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124, 154
socrates Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
speusippus Merz and Tieleman, Ambrosiaster's Political Theology (2012) 190
stoic thought Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
sulla/ sylla Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
sungeneia Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 100
synkrisis, formal Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
synkrisis, missing Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 154
tyche Leão and Lanzillotta, A Man of Many Interests: Plutarch on Religion, Myth, and Magic (2019) 121
understand(ing) (as part of the process of moral evaluation) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124
wealth Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 124