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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Plutarch, Lucullus, 40-42

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

3 results
1. Plutarch, Cimon, 2.1-2.5 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

2. Plutarch, Lucullus, 41-42, 39 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

3. Plutarch, Sulla, 2.2-2.3, 36.1 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
caligula, emperor (gaius caesar) Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
chaeronea Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
character (plutarchs and readers concern with) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
characterisation, of the readers Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
characterisation, of the subjects Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
characterisation, plutarchs self- Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
cimon, compared with lucullus Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
cimon Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
community, of plutarch, readers, and the subjects Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
community, of plutarch and readers Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
community Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
conspectus, imperial Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
continuance-motif (i.e. references to plutarchs present) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
damon Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
epicurus Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
first-person plurals, invitational Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
first-person plurals Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
greeks in rome Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
historia Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
humanity Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
imagined community Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
impersonal constructions Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
libraries Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
lucullus, compared with cimon Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
lucullus Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51; Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
luxury Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
plato Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
porticos Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
privacy, and a political life Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
private life Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
private lives Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
prologue (to plutarchs book) Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
public life, boundaries with private life' Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
social/society, plutarchs contemporary Chrysanthou, Plutarch's 'Parallel Lives': Narrative Technique and Moral Judgement (2018) 51
sulla Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81
tusculum Jenkyns, God, Space, and City in the Roman Imagination (2013) 81