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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Plutarch, Cato The Younger, 52.5

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
cato the younger (m. porcius cato uticensis) Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
childlessness, and wife-swapping Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
conjugal loyalty Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
hortensius, q. Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
liberorum quaerendorum causa (and variants of) Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
marcia (wife of cato) Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
plutarch (l. mestrius plutarchus), on wife-swapping Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
poppaea sabina Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
remarriage, elite women and Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
spouses, and conjugal loyalty Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
tertullian (q. septimius florens tertullianus) Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
wife-swapping Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27
women, proven fertility of' Hug, Fertility, Ideology, and the Cultural Politics of Reproduction at Rome (2023) 27