akte (seaboard of argolid), and argos |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
akte (seaboard of argolid), maritime links |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
akte (seaboard of argolid) |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
alkimachos, kitharistes |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
amphiktyony |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
apollo pythaieus, at asine, as regional (theoric?) cult centre |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
apollo pythaieus, at asine |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
apollo pythios (delphi), argeia |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
apollo pythios (delphi), argolid |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
apollo pythios (delphi), early fifth-century transformation |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
apollo pythios (delphi), reconfiguration of myths and rituals in song |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
argos, claiming authority in song |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
argos, conflict with sparta |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
argos, hegemonia in the peloponnese and in greece |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
argos, synoikism, democracy, tribal reform |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
argos |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
asine |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
defending greeks and democracies, outside athens |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
dionysia, city and allies |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
dionysia, city cyclic chorus |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
dionysia, city identities |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
eleusinia, games |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
epinikion, elite competition and interaction in |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
epitaphia |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
festival culture |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
funerary, local |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
games, panathenaic |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
herodotos of thebes |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
insular, local (often civic) |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
mousike, music, and identity |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
mousike, music, argolid |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
mykenai (classical city), commanding akhaian traditions |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
mykenai (classical city) |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
panathenaia, and other festivals |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
panhellenism, local claims to |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
past, mythical, restructured |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
performance culture, argolid, competitive |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
performances of myth and ritual (also song), and social and power relations |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
performances of myth and ritual (also song), embracing social change |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
piedmont, and elite connectivity |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
polis, and musical innovation |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
skaphephoroi, at dionysiac festivals |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
theatre of dionysos |
Shear, Serving Athena: The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities (2021) 328 |
theoria, as myth-ritual network |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |
theoria, as network, general' |
Kowalzig, Singing for the Gods: Performances of Myth and Ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (2007) 130 |