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Philo Of Alexandria, Plant., 18

nanBut the others who say that our mind is a portion of the ethereal nature, have by this assertion attributed to man a kindred with the air; but the great Moses has not named the species of the rational soul by a title resembling that of any created being, but has pronounced it an image of the divine and invisible being, making it a coin as it were of sterling metal, stamped and impressed with the seal of God, the impression of which is the eternal word.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

13 results
1. Hebrew Bible, Genesis, a b c d\n0 "1.26" "1.26" "1 26"\n1 2.7 2.7 2 7 (9th cent. BCE - 3rd cent. BCE)

2. Plato, Timaeus, None (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

90a. wherefore care must be taken that they have their motions relatively to one another in due proportion. And as regards the most lordly kind of our soul, we must conceive of it in this wise: we declare that God has given to each of us, as his daemon, that kind of soul which is housed in the top of our body and which raises us—seeing that we are not an earthly but a heavenly plant up from earth towards our kindred in the heaven. And herein we speak most truly; for it is by suspending our head and root from that region whence the substance of our soul first came that the Divine Power
3. Philo of Alexandria, On The Decalogue, 134 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

4. Philo of Alexandria, On Flight And Finding, 69-71, 68 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

68. On this account, I imagine it is, that when Moses was speaking philosophically of the creation of the world, while he described everything else as having been created by God alone, he mentions man alone as having been made by him in conjunction with other assistants; for, says Moses, "God said, Let us make man in our Image." The expression, "let us make," indicating a plurality of makers.
5. Philo of Alexandria, On The Change of Names, 30-31, 34-38, 18 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

18. And when the ruler has appeared, then he in a still greater degree benefits his disciple and beholder, saying, "I am thy God;" for I should say to him, "What is there of all the things which form a part of creation of which thou art not the God?" But his word, which is his interpreter, will teach me that he is not at present speaking of the world, of which he is by all means the creator and the God, but about the souls of men, which he has thought worthy of a different kind of care;
6. Philo of Alexandria, On The Creation of The World, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 77, "69" (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

7. Philo of Alexandria, On Curses, 163 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

163. On which account the scripture tells us that the calf, after having been pounded to pieces, was scattered on the water, to signify that no genuine plant of good can ever flourish in corruptible matter; for as a seed, when thrown into the stream of a river or into the sea, cannot display its proper powers; for it is impossible, unless it has once taken hold with its roots, as with anchors, of some firm portion of earth, that any branch should be firmly fixed or should shoot up, I do not say to any height, but even as a creeper along the ground, or that it should ever bring forth fruit at the periodical seasons of the year, for any great and violent rush of water coming on washes away all the germinating vigour of the seed. In the same manner all the superfluities contained in the vessel of the soul which are ever spoken of or celebrated are destroyed before they can have any existence, the corporeal substance continually flowing off from them.
8. Philo of Alexandria, On The Special Laws, 4.14, 4.123 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

4.14. but man, as it seems, has been assigned the most pre-eminent position among the animals, being, as it were, a near relation of God himself, and akin to him in respect of his participation in reason; which makes him immortal, although he is liable to death. On which account every one who feels any admiration of virtue is full of exceeding anger, and is utterly implacable against kidnappers, who for the sake of most iniquitous gain dare to inflict slavery on those who are free by birth, and who partake of the same nature as themselves. 4.123. On which account Moses, in another passage, establishes a law concerning blood, that one may not eat the blood nor the Fat.{27}{#le 3:17.} The blood, for the reason which I have already mentioned, that it is the essence of the life; not of the mental and rational life, but of that which exists in accordance with the outward senses, to which it is owing that both we and irrational animals also have a common existence.CONCERNING THE SOUL OR LIFE OF MANXXIV. For the essence of the soul of man is the breath of God, especially if we follow the account of Moses, who, in his history of the creation of the world, says that God breathed into the first man, the founder of our race, the breath of life; breathing it into the principal part of his body, namely the face, where the outward senses are established, the body-guards of the mind, as if it were the great king. And that which was thus breathed into his face was manifestly the breath of the air, or whatever else there may be which is even more excellent than the breath of the air, as being a ray emitted from the blessed and thricehappy nature of God.
9. Philo of Alexandria, Allegorical Interpretation, 1.31-1.43 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

1.31. And God created man, taking a lump of clay from the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life: and man became a living soul." The races of men are twofold; for one is the heavenly man, and the other the earthly man. Now the heavenly man, as being born in the image of God, has no participation in any corruptible or earthlike essence. But the earthly man is made of loose material, which he calls a lump of clay. On which account he says, not that the heavenly man was made, but that he was fashioned according to the image of God; but the earthly man he calls a thing made, and not begotten by the maker. 1.32. And we must consider that the man who was formed of earth, means the mind which is to be infused into the body, but which has not yet been so infused. And this mind would be really earthly and corruptible, if it were not that God had breathed into it the spirit of genuine life; for then it "exists," and is no longer made into a soul; and its soul is not inactive, and incapable of proper formation, but a really intellectual and living one. "For man," says Moses, "became a living soul." XIII. 1.33. But some one may ask, why God thought an earth-born mind, which was wholly devoted to the body, worthy of divine inspiration, and yet did not treat the one made after his own idea and image in the same manner. In the second place he may ask, what is the meaning of the expression "breathed into." And thirdly, why he breathed into his face: fourthly also, why, since he knew the name of the Spirit when he says, "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the Waters," he now speaks of breath, and not of the Spirit. 1.34. Now in reply to the first question we must say this one thing; God being very munificent gives his good things to all men, even to those who are not perfect; inviting them to a participation and rivalry in virtue, and at the same time displaying his abundant riches, and showing that it is sufficient for those also who will not be greatly benefited by it; and he also shows this in the most evident manner possible in other cases; for when he rains on the sea, and when he raises up fountains in desert places, and waters shallow and rough and unproductive land, making the rivers to overflow with floods, what else is he doing but displaying the great abundance of his riches and of his goodness? This is the cause why he has created no soul in such a condition as to be wholly barren of good, even if the employment of that good be beyond the reach of some people. 1.35. We must also give a second reason, which is this: Moses wished to represent all the actions of the Deity as just--therefore a man who had not had a real life breathed into him, but who was ignorant of virtue, when he was chastised for the sins which he had committed would say that he was punished unjustly, in that it was only through ignorance of what was good that he had erred respecting it; and that he was to blame who had not breathed any proper wisdom into him; and perhaps he will even say, that he has absolutely committed no offence whatever; since some people affirm that actions done involuntarily and in ignorance have not the nature of offences. 1.36. Now the expression "breathed into" is equivalent to "inspired," or "gave life to" things iimate: for let us take care that we are never filled with such absurdity as to think that God employs the organs of the mouth or nostrils for the purpose of breathing into anything; for God is not only devoid of peculiar qualities, but he is likewise not of the form of man, and the use of these words shows some more secret mystery of nature; 1.37. for there must be three things, that which breathes in, that which receives what is breathed in, and that which is breathed in. Now that which breathes in is God, that which receives what is breathed in is the mind, and that which is breathed in is the spirit. What then is collected from these three things? A union of the three takes place, through God extending the power, which proceeds from himself through the spirit, which is the middle term, as far as the subject. Why does he do this, except that we may thus derive a proper notion of him? 1.38. Since how could the soul have perceived God if he had not inspired it, and touched it according to his power? For human intellect would not have dared to mount up to such a height as to lay claim to the nature of God, if God himself had not drawn it up to himself, as far as it was possible for the mind of man to be drawn up, and if he had not formed it according to those powers which can be comprehended. 1.39. And God breathed into man's face both physically and morally. Physically, when he placed the senses in the face: and this portion of the body above all others is vivified and inspired; and morally, in this manner, as the face is the domit portion of the body, so also is the mind the domit portion of the soul. It is into this alone that God breathes; but the other parts, the sensations, the power of speech, and the power of generation, he does not think worthy of his breath, for they are inferior in power. 1.40. By what then were these subordinate parts inspired? beyond all question by the mind; for of the qualities which the mind has received form God, it gives a share to the irrational portion of the soul, so that the mind is vivified by God, and the irrational part of the soul by the mind; for the mind is as it were a god to the irrational part of the soul, for which reason Moses did not hesitate to call it "the god of Pharaoh. 1.41. For of all created things some are created by God, and through him: some not indeed by God, but yet through him: and the rest have their existence both by him and through him. At all events Moses as he proceeds says, that God planted a paradise, and among the best things as made both by God and through God, is the mind. But the irrational part of the soul was made indeed by God but not through God, but through the reasoning power which bears rule and sovereignty in the soul; 1.42. and Moses has used the word "breath," not "spirit," as there is a difference between the two words; for spirit is conceived of according to strength, and intensity, and power; but breath is a gentle and moderate kind of breeze and exhalation; therefore the mind, which was created in accordance with the image and idea of God, may be justly said to partake in his spirit, for its reasoning has strength: but that which is derived from matter is only a partaker in a thin and very light air, being as it were a sort of exhalation, such as arises from spices; for they, although they be preserved intact, and are not exposed to fire or fumigation, do nevertheless emit a certain fragrance. XIV. 1.43. And God planted a paradise in Eden, in the east: and there he placed the man whom he had Formed:" for he called that divine and heavenly wisdom by many names; and he made it manifest that it had many appellations; for he called it the beginning, and the image, and the sight of God. And now he exhibits the wisdom which is conversant about the things of the earth (as being an imitation of this archetypal wisdom), in the plantation of this Paradise. For let not such impiety ever occupy our thoughts as for us to suppose that God cultivates the land and plants paradises, since if we were to do so, we should be presently raising the question of why he does so: for it could not be that he might provide himself with pleasant places of recreation and pastime, or with amusement.
10. Philo of Alexandria, Questions On Exodus, 2.29 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

11. Philo of Alexandria, Questions On Genesis, 2.45, 2.62 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

12. Philo of Alexandria, That The Worse Attacks The Better, 162, 161 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

161. but I am not able to perceive that he is given, and it is said in the sacred scriptures, "I give thee as a God to Pharaoh," and yet what is given is the patient, not the agent; but he that is truly living must be the agent, and beyond all question cannot be the patient.
13. Philo of Alexandria, Plant., 20, 22-25, 27-28, 36-37, 39-40, 43, 19 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

19. For, says Moses, "God breathed into man's face the breath of Life," so that it follows of necessity, that he that received the breath must be fashioned after the model of him who sent it forth. On which account it is said too, that "Man was made after the image of God," and not after the image of any created being.

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
adam/adam, new or second Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
allegorical commentary Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
allegory/allegoresis, cosmological Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
assimilation Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
body Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186; Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247; Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
breath Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
charismatic endowment Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
christian, early christian christianity Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
christian, literature/authors Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
creation Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
cycle, patriarchal, abrahamic Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
daniel Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
delphi Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
dreams Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
face Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
god, prompting of Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
god, seal of Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
human/humankind Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
inspiration Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
jew/jewish, conceptions of the spirit Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
jew/jewish, literature/ authors Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
jew/jewish, relationship to christianity Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
kinship Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
law, god's" '151.0_247.0@logos of god Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
lawgiver Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
literature Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
logos Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
mind Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
moses, gods human being Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
paul (saul) Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
pharaoh Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
philo Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
philo judaeus Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
promises, divine Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
purity Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
qge Cover, Philo of Alexandria: On the Change of Names (2023) 186
solomon Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
soul Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
spirit, characterizations as, aether Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, characterizations as, breath (life itself) Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, characterizations as, holy Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, effects of, ecstasy/frenzy Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, effects of, life itself Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, effects of, mind enlightened Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, effects of, virtue Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, effects of, wisdom Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, modes of presence, endowment Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, modes of presence, indwelling Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, modes of presence, prompting Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
spirit, modes of presence, receiving of Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247
telos Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
union/unification Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
virtue Putthoff, Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology (2016) 76
word of god' Levison, Filled with the Spirit (2009) 247