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Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 3

nanAgamemnon would not allow me to stand declaiming out in the colonnade longer than he had spent sweating inside the school. “Your talk has an uncommon flavour, young man," he said, "and what is most unusual, you appreciate good sense. I will not therefore deceive you by making a mystery of my art. The fact is that the teachers are not to blame for these exhibitions. They are in a madhouse, and they must gibber. Unless they speak to the taste of their young masters they will be left alone in the colleges, as Cicero remarks. Like the toadies [of Comedy] cadging after the rich man's dinners, they think first about what is calculated to please their audience. They will never gain their object unless they lay traps for the ear. A master of oratory is like a fisherman; he must put the particular bait on his hook which he knows will tempt the little fish, or he may sit waiting on his rock with no hope of a catch.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

3 results
1. Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 2, 34, 4-5, 73-76, 1 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

2. Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 2-3, 34, 4-5, 73-76, 1 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

3. Quintilian, Institutes of Oratory, 8.5.28 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

8.5.28.  Further, the colour, though bright enough, has no unity, but consists of a number of variegated splashes. A purple stripe appropriately applied lends brilliance to a dress, but a dress decorated with a quantity of patches can never be becoming to anybody.

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
austerity Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 306
banquet, and excerpting poetry Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210
diet Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304
freedmen Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304, 305, 306
frugality, and aesthetics Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 306
frugality, v. luxury Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 305
greece Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 306
invective Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 305
mobility, social Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304
nan, and excerpt Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210
nan, and locus communis Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210
nan, integrative Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210
nan, reflective Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210
nero Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304
petronius Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210; Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304, 305, 306
quintilian Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 306
rhetoric Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304, 305
satire Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210
seneca the younger Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 306
sex Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304, 306
slaves Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304, 305, 306
thrift Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 305
trimalchio Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210; Viglietti and Gildenhard, Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic (2020) 304, 305, 306
wine, and horace Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210
wine, and opimian' Rohland, Carpe Diem: The Poetics of Presence in Greek and Latin Literature (2022) 210