archaeology of knowledge, discursive regularities |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 16 |
archaeology of knowledge |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 16 |
argument, vs reasoning |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 15, 16 |
barnes, j. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 310 |
being or what-is (in parmenides) |
Alvarez, The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries (2018) 68 |
bodnár, i. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 304, 305 |
con-sequence, transition to logical consequence from |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 260 |
curd, p. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 312 |
demonstration, outline of in parmenides poem |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 23 |
eros |
Alvarez, The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries (2018) 68 |
extended deductive argumentation, importance of hodos for invention of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 260 |
extended deductive argumentation, parmenides invention of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 23 |
havelock, e., on parmenides and homer |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 16 |
heraclitus |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 305; Wardy and Warren, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy (2018) 29 |
hesiod, and parmenides |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 23 |
hesiod |
Wardy and Warren, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy (2018) 33 |
hodos, and logical necessity in parmenides poem |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 259, 260 |
hodos, implications for parmenides poem of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 260 |
hodos, in fr. 8 |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 252, 253 |
hodos, in parmenides route to truth |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249, 250, 251 |
hodos, ontological implications of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249 |
hodos, vs genealogy |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249 |
intertextuality, between parmenides and homer |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 305 |
karsten, s. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249 |
kirk and raven |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 312 |
light, as parmenides arché |
Alvarez, The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries (2018) 68 |
lloyd, g. e. r. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 15, 16, 253 |
logical necessity, and hodos as physical object |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 259, 260 |
mourelatos, a. p. d., on parmenides and homer |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 15, 16 |
mourelatos, a. p. d. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249 |
night (goddess), as parmenides arché |
Alvarez, The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries (2018) 68 |
night (goddess) |
Alvarez, The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries (2018) 68 |
orphic poems |
Alvarez, The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries (2018) 68 |
owen, g. e. l., interpretation of fr. 8 of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 251, 253 |
parmenides |
Wardy and Warren, Authors and Authorities in Ancient Philosophy (2018) 26, 29, 31, 33, 36 |
parmenides poem, and religious ritual |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 23 |
parmenides poem, and semantics of hodos |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 259, 260 |
pindar, and parmenides |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 23 |
place in parmenides poem, as series vs. list |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249, 250, 251, 252, 253 |
place in parmenides poem, fr. 5 |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249, 304, 305, 310, 312, 313 |
place in parmenides poem, fr. 8 |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 251, 252, 253 |
place in parmenides poem, story-world of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249, 250, 251 |
place in parmenides poem, structure of argumentation of vs interpretation of arguments of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 252 |
place in parmenides poem |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249 |
sedley, d., interpretation of fr. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 251 |
story-world, of apologoi |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 313 |
story-world, of parmenides route to truth |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 249, 250, 251, 313 |
sēma, as valid proof in od. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 23 |
sēma, in od. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 23 |
tarán, l. |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 304 |
to eon, relationship between qualities of' |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 259 |
to eon, relationship between qualities of |
Folit-Weinberg, Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration (2022) 251, 260 |
μουνογενές (parmenides being) |
Alvarez, The Derveni Papyrus: Unearthing Ancient Mysteries (2018) 68 |