agathos daimon, egyptian man |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
alexander, tiberius julius |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
alexander the great |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
alexandria, serapeum |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
alexandria, under trajan |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
alexandria |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
antisemitism |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
apollonios (archive of) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 320 |
apollonopolis-heptacomia |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
appian of alexandria |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
artapanus |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
asclepius (asklepios), greek god |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
asenath |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
cairo genizah |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
cassius dio |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
clementine homilies |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
dioskourides alias iulianus |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 320 |
diospolis magna (= thebes) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
egypt |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
egyptians, and jewish revolt under trajan |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
egyptians, and jews in the papyri |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320 |
ephraim (biblical) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
eudaimonis, egyptian woman |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
eusebius |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
fatimids (dynasty) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
fiscus iudaicus |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320 |
gentiles, non-jews (christians, muslims) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 320 |
hades, greek god |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
intermarriage |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
isakis son of straton (of jewish family in thebes) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
isis, egyptian goddess |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
israel, biblical, and mixed multitude |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
jerusalem, egyptian jews perspectives |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
jerusalem (zion), temple |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
jerusalem (zion) |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
joseph and aseneth |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
josephus, on egyptian jews |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
judaea (judea), and egypt |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
judaea (judea) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
marcius turbo |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
martial, roman poet |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
masada |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
moses |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
names (as ethnic-religious markers) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320 |
nerva |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 320 |
ostraca arabic, demotic |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
ostraca arabic, greek |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320, 354 |
oxyrhynchus, celebration of victory over the jews |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320, 354 |
oxyrhynchus, jews in |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320 |
papyri, as evidence for jews in egypt |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320, 354 |
papyri, greek |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320, 354 |
philo of alexandria |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
rammius martialis, roman prefect |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
rome, anti-romanism |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
rome |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122; Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
septimius severus |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 320 |
serapis, egyptian god |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
sibylline oracles |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
straton son of straton (of jewish family in thebes) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
synagogues (proseuchai) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 320 |
thebes (= diospolis magna) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306 |
tibur, hadrians villa, canopus |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
tibur, hadrians villa, piazza doro' |
Rizzi, Hadrian and the Christians (2010) 122 |
torah (pentateuch) |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 354 |
trajan, jewish revolts under |
Salvesen et al., Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period (2020) 306, 320, 354 |