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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Ovid, Epistulae Ex Ponto, 1.2.24

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

4 results
1. Ovid, Epistulae Ex Ponto, 1.8.29, 1.8.33-1.8.38, 1.8.41-1.8.48, 4.10.9-4.10.34 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

2. Ovid, Metamorphoses, 1.51, 1.430-1.431, 15.178, 15.180-15.181 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

3. Ovid, Tristia, 1.5, 1.5.79-1.5.80, 1.6.21-1.6.22, 3.10.37, 3.10.75, 3.11.61 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

4. Vergil, Georgics, 1.163, 3.349-3.383 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

1.163. He to black serpents gave their venom-bane 3.349. The wool-clad flocks and shaggy goats to treat. 3.350. Here lies a labour; hence for glory look 3.351. Brave husbandmen. Nor doubtfully know 3.352. How hard it is for words to triumph here 3.353. And shed their lustre on a theme so slight: 3.354. But I am caught by ravishing desire 3.355. Above the lone Parnassian steep; I love 3.356. To walk the heights, from whence no earlier track 3.357. Slopes gently downward to Castalia's spring. 3.358. Now, awful Pales, strike a louder tone. 3.359. First, for the sheep soft pencotes I decree 3.360. To browse in, till green summer's swift return; 3.361. And that the hard earth under them with straw 3.362. And handfuls of the fern be littered deep 3.363. Lest chill of ice such tender cattle harm 3.364. With scab and loathly foot-rot. Passing thence 3.365. I bid the goats with arbute-leaves be stored 3.366. And served with fresh spring-water, and their pen 3.367. Turned southward from the blast, to face the sun 3.368. of winter, when Aquarius' icy beam 3.369. Now sinks in showers upon the parting year. 3.370. These too no lightlier our protection claim 3.371. Nor prove of poorer service, howsoe'er 3.372. Milesian fleeces dipped in Tyrian red 3.373. Repay the barterer; these with offspring teem 3.374. More numerous; these yield plenteous store of milk: 3.375. The more each dry-wrung udder froths the pail 3.376. More copious soon the teat-pressed torrents flow. 3.377. Ay, and on Cinyps' bank the he-goats too 3.378. Their beards and grizzled chins and bristling hair 3.379. Let clip for camp-use, or as rugs to wrap 3.380. Seafaring wretches. But they browse the wood 3.381. And summits of Lycaeus, and rough briers 3.382. And brakes that love the highland: of themselve 3.383. Right heedfully the she-goats homeward troop

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
addressee' Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74
aqua virgo Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 224
campus martius Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 224
claassen, jo-marie Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252
empedocleo-lucretian background in metamorphoses, love/philia and strife/neikos Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252, 262
empedocles Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252
exile Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74
hinds, stephen Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252
home Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 224, 225
loss Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 224
metamorphoses, pythagoras Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252
odysseus/ulysses Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74
ovid, adynata Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252
ovid, and empedocles Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252
ovid, natural philosophy in exilic corpus Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252, 262
ovid, paradoxography Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252, 262
ovid Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74
ovids wife Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74
penelope Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74
pythagoras/pythagoreanism Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252
rome, sites of Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 224
rome Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 224
scythia Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 225
separation Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74
tomis, and empedoclean elements Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252, 262
tomis, constant warfare Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 262
tomis, environmental extremes Williams and Vol, Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as Philosopher (2022) 252, 262
tomis Keith and Myers, Vergil and Elegy (2023) 224, 225; Soldo and Jackson, ›Res vera, res ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography (2023) 74