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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Ovid, Amores, 3.2

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

7 results
1. Ovid, Amores, 2.12, 3.7 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

2. Ovid, Ars Amatoria, 1.89-1.100, 1.135-1.170, 1.365, 3.387-3.396, 3.667 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

3. Ovid, Fasti, 6.478 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

6.478. One that takes its name from the statue of an ox:
4. Ovid, Tristia, 2.285-2.286 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. CE)

5. Propertius, Elegies, 2.32 (1st cent. BCE

6. Seneca The Elder, Controversies, 2.2.12 (1st cent. BCE

7. Tibullus, Elegies, 1.5.66 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
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