abraham |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 138 |
adam, heart of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
adam |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
adiaphora/indistinguishable/neutral |
Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022) 90 |
adoption as master-metaphor in christian divine sonship, begottenness as master-metaphor in divine sonship of jesus |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
adoption as master-metaphor in christian divine sonship, preoccupation with assigning christological moment |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 138 |
adoption by augustus |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 136 |
adoption in roman society greek terminology for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
adoption in roman society inheritance/wealth transfer through |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 136 |
adoption in roman society legal frameworks for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 136 |
adoption in roman society papyrus contracts for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
adoption in roman society preservation of family lines through |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 136 |
adoption in roman society social status of adoptees |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
adoption in roman society tensions between biological and adopted sons |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 136 |
adoption in roman society vs. modern western practice |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 136 |
adoption metaphor in pauline epistles |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 136, 138, 139 |
alexander of abonoteichus |
Nicklas and Spittler, Credible, Incredible: The Miraculous in the Ancient Mediterranean. (2013) 100 |
aloe |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
analogy |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 6 |
anger, wild |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
apollo |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
aristotle |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212; Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
ascent |
Nicklas and Spittler, Credible, Incredible: The Miraculous in the Ancient Mediterranean. (2013) 100 |
asceticism |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 132 |
athanasius of alexandria |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43, 115 |
augustus adoption by caesar |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 136 |
augustus adoptions by |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 136 |
augustus divine ancestry of |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
augustus worship of |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113, 135, 136, 138, 139 |
ayres, lewis |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43 |
babut, d., baptism cluster |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 53 |
baptism |
Albrecht, The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (2014) 335; Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
baptism of jesus divine sonship bestowed at |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
baptism of jesus divine voice at |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
baptism of jesus holy spirit at |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
baptism of jesus in gospel of luke |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
baptism of jesus in gospel of mark |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
believing |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 361 |
bible |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215 |
binitarian |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215 |
body, adam, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
body in paul, earthly body as literally dying |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 51, 52 |
borders v |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 369 |
boundary |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 361, 369 |
bourdieu, p. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 7 |
catholicism, early |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 61 |
children, adam and eve, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
church, unity of |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 115 |
church |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
cicero |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212; Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
clement of alexandria |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
confession |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 124 |
conformity with christ, in his death and resurrection |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 51, 52, 53, 54 |
corinth |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
creator, creation |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215 |
cyril of jerusalem |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43 |
dahl, n. a. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 230 |
day, judgment, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
dead sea scrolls |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 358 |
death |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328; Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 361 |
deification/theosis/christosis |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
dibelius, m. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 96 |
didymus of alexandria |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43 |
diogenes the cynic |
Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022) 90 |
divine sonship adoptive metaphors for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 136, 138, 139 |
divine sonship mixed metaphors for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
divine sonship of jesus adoptive metaphors for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 138, 139 |
divine sonship of jesus begotten metaphors for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
divine sonship of jesus considered through roman sociopolitical lens |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
divine sonship of jesus eschatological power of |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 138 |
divine sonship of jesus mixed metaphors for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 139 |
divine sonship of jesus uniting christ with christians through |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 139 |
divine sonship offered by god through the spirit |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
divine sonship paul's master-metaphor of adoptive" |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 136, 138, 139 |
divine sonship uniting with christ |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 139 |
divine voice at baptism of jesus |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
double aspect |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 6 |
downing, g. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
easter |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 358 |
egyptian bishops |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 115 |
emperors legitimation options for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
epictetus |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 7; Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022) 90 |
epicurus |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
eschatological |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328; Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
eschatology |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 358 |
experience, of spirit |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 358 |
expulsion, adam, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
expulsion, eve, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
faith |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 361 |
family ideology as center of roman life |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 138 |
father, fatherhood |
Albrecht, The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (2014) 335 |
father |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215 |
flesh |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
fragrances |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
frankincense, tree of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
free/freedom (ἐλεύθερος/ἐλευθερία, liber/libertas), paul on |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 110, 111 |
fruit |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
gens |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
gentiles |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 369 |
gentiles (ethnē) |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
genuine humanness, role of spirit |
Dürr, Paul on the Human Vocation: Reason Language in Romans and Ancient Philosophical Tradition (2022) 226 |
glory, adam, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194, 452 |
glory |
Albrecht, The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (2014) 335 |
glory (doxa) |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 52; Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
gods, paul on |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107, 110, 111 |
good (agathos) |
Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022) 90 |
grain |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
grief, and repentance |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117 |
grief, salvation through |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117, 124 |
grief, two types of |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 123, 124 |
grief (lupē) |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
gutman, h., habitus |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 7 |
hanson, r.p.c. |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 115 |
harmony, harmonisation |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 115 |
heart, adam, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
heart, evil |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
heart |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
heaven, third |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194, 452 |
holy spirit, role for genuine humanness |
Dürr, Paul on the Human Vocation: Reason Language in Romans and Ancient Philosophical Tradition (2022) 226 |
horn, f.w. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
human vocation, cosmic horizon of |
Dürr, Paul on the Human Vocation: Reason Language in Romans and Ancient Philosophical Tradition (2022) 226 |
imperial adoption meritocratic vs. dynastic succession |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 138 |
incense |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
israel |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
jerusalem |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 369 |
jesus |
Nicklas and Spittler, Credible, Incredible: The Miraculous in the Ancient Mediterranean. (2013) 100 |
jesus christ |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328, 358, 359 |
jew |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 369 |
johannine |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215 |
judgment |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
judgment (divine) |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
kee, h. c. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
law |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
life |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
life in the present, in the light of the future |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 54 |
long, a. a. and sedley, d. n. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
lucian |
Nicklas and Spittler, Credible, Incredible: The Miraculous in the Ancient Mediterranean. (2013) 100 |
lucretius |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
luke, gospel of audience for |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
luke, gospel of baptism narrative in |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
luke, gospel of birth/infancy narratives |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
luke, gospel of lxx (septuagint) |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
luke, gospel of sources of jesus legitimation |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
mediation |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43 |
messianism, messianic |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215 |
metaphorical language |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 54 |
mixed metaphors in early christianity |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 139 |
mother, motherhood |
Albrecht, The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (2014) 335 |
myrrh |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
neither/nothing (oudeteros/ouden) |
Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022) 90 |
new creation, producing signs of |
Dürr, Paul on the Human Vocation: Reason Language in Romans and Ancient Philosophical Tradition (2022) 226, 227 |
non-jew |
Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 369 |
numen (divine power) described |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
oil |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
oldfather, w. a., option for us |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 6 |
papyri adoption contracts |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
papyri p.lips. |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
parents |
Albrecht, The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (2014) 335 |
participation |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43 |
passions (pathē) |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
paterfamilias |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 113 |
paul, and eschatology |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
paul, and passions (pathē) |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
paul, as anti-jewish |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 61 |
paul, his demonology |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 96 |
paul, not a philosopher |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 6 |
paul, not a stoic |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 6 |
paul, on freedom (ἐλευθερία) in god |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 110, 111 |
paul, on god |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107, 110, 111 |
paul, on human responsibility |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107 |
paul, on predestination/predetermination (προόρισις) |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107, 111 |
paul, on salvation (σωτηρία) |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107 |
paul, on slavery |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 110, 111 |
paul, on spirit (πνεῦμα) |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107, 110, 111 |
paul, pauline, paulinism |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215 |
paul, pauline soteriology |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
paul, rhetoric of |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
paul |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107, 110, 111; Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328, 358; Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89; Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 132; Nicklas and Spittler, Credible, Incredible: The Miraculous in the Ancient Mediterranean. (2013) 100 |
paul (apostle), sense of vocation |
Dürr, Paul on the Human Vocation: Reason Language in Romans and Ancient Philosophical Tradition (2022) 227 |
pauline epistles adoption metaphors in |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 136, 138, 139 |
pauline epistles christ as firstborn in |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 139 |
pauline epistles family lineage of jesus |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 138 |
pauline epistles on adoption of israelites |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 138, 139 |
pauline theology, deutero/ps.-pauline notions and writings |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
pauline theology, eschatology |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
pauline writings, romans |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
pauline writings |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
peristasis catalogues |
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005) 175 |
philo judeas |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
philodemus |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
plato/platonic/platonism, theaetetus |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
plato/platonism, christian platonism |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
plato/platonism, middle platonism |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
plato/platonism |
Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401 |
plato |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
platonism |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 132 |
pneuma (spirit) in paul, and baptism |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 230 |
pneuma (spirit) in paul, and prayer |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 73 |
pneuma (spirit) in paul, as a material phenomenon in paul |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 51, 52, 53, 54, 71, 72, 73 |
pneuma (spirit) in paul, as arriving in the bodies of believers |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 71, 72 |
pneuma (spirit) in paul, how received? |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 71, 72 |
pneuma (spirit) in paul, in 2 corinthians |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 51 |
pneuma (spirit) in paul, world |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 96 |
prayer |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
predestination (προόρισις), paul on |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107, 111 |
purification/purity |
Jeong, Pauline Baptism among the Mysteries: Ritual Messages and the Promise of Initiation (2023) 154 |
purity, purification |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 115 |
regions |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
repentance, grieved to |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117 |
resonance with greco-roman ideology |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 136, 138 |
restoration, adam, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194, 452 |
restoration |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
resurrection, uniting christ with christians |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 139 |
resurrection |
Albrecht, The Divine Father: Religious and Philosophical Concepts of Divine Parenthood in Antiquity (2014) 335; Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328, 358; Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 215; Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135, 138; Schliesser et al., Alexandria: Hub of the Hellenistic World (2021) 401; Weissenrieder, Borders: Terminologies, Ideologies, and Performances (2016) 361 |
reydams-schils, g. |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
rhetorical devices |
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005) 175 |
roman assembly, correspondence |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
romulus |
Peppard, The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in its Social and Political Context (2011) 135 |
rulers of the present aeon |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 96 |
salvation, and life |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 71, 96 |
salvation, through grief |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117, 124 |
salvation |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
salvation (σωτηρία), paul on |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107 |
satan, decay |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 96 |
satan |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
scripture |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43 |
seeds, evil |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
seeds, food (sustece), for |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
seneca |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 6 |
sex/sexual |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
sin, eve, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
slavery |
Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022) 90 |
slavery (δουλεία), paul on |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 110, 111 |
spices, paradise, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
spices |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
spirit, characterizations as, down payment (ἀρραβών) |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 358 |
spirit, characterizations as, first fruit (ἀπαρχή) |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 358 |
spirit, effects of, charismatic endowments |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
spirit, effects of, freedom/liberty |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
spirit, effects of, leading |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
spirit, effects of, power, empowerment |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
spirit, effects of, prayer |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
spirit, effects of, teaching |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
spirit, effects of, transformation |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
spirit, holy, as a deposit |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117 |
spirit, holy, grieving of |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117, 123, 124 |
spirit, holy, inhabiting the human |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117 |
spirit, holy, intercession by |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117, 123, 124 |
spirit, holy, role for genuine humanness |
Dürr, Paul on the Human Vocation: Reason Language in Romans and Ancient Philosophical Tradition (2022) 226 |
spirit, modes of presence, indwelling |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 359 |
spirit (πνεῦμα), paul on |
Brouwer and Vimercati, Fate, Providence and Free Will: Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue in the Early Imperial Age (2020) 107, 110, 111 |
stoicism, and apocalyptic thought |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 212 |
stranger |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 132 |
temper, sharp |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 117 |
theōsis |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 115 |
torah |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
transformation' |
Frey and Levison, The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives (2014) 328 |
transformation, as bodily in paul |
Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 53 |
tree, life, of |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 452 |
tree |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
trinity, the |
Langworthy, Gregory of Nazianzus’ Soteriological Pneumatology (2019) 43 |
two-ways hypothesis |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
tübingen school |
Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 61 |
valentinus |
Lieu, Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century (2015) 132 |
value (axia) |
Wilson, Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on his Inconsistency (2022) 90 |
vocation, pauls sense of |
Dürr, Paul on the Human Vocation: Reason Language in Romans and Ancient Philosophical Tradition (2022) 227 |
walls of paradise (or garden) |
Levison, The Greek Life of Adam and Eve (2023) 194 |
will of god |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |
wisdom tradition, jewish |
Keener, First-Second Corinthians (2005) 38 |
word (logos) |
Gunderson, The Social Worlds of Ancient Jews and Christians: Essays in Honor of L. Michael White (2022) 89 |