acclamations |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
acts of the apostles |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
age/era, present |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
allusions |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 130, 137 |
altar |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
angels |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56, 145 |
apocalyptic |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
apocalyptic literature and thought, eschatological revenge/judgment in |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
apocalyptic literature and thought |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
apokalypto/apokalypsis |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
apostleship |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
apotropaic, protective powers |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
arena |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
audience |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
augustine of hippo |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
babylon |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
baptism |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 75, 76; Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215; Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
beast (of revelation) |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
blood, of christ |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 135 |
bodies, revelation and |
Cadwallader, Stones, Bones and the Sacred: Essays on Material Culture and Religion in Honor of Dennis E (2016) 124 |
body, bodies athletes |
Cadwallader, Stones, Bones and the Sacred: Essays on Material Culture and Religion in Honor of Dennis E (2016) 124 |
bowls |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186 |
breastplate of trust |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
catechumens |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
celebrate |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
celibacy |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
children/offspring, as addressees |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
children/offspring, of the wicked |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
christian scriptures, new testament |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
christology, johannine |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
church |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54; Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 76 |
clouds of glory, cloud |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
colossians, letter to |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
community, symbols on their rings |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
confessions |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
confessors (μάρτυρες, confessor) |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
cosmic conflict |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
covenant, at sinai |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
covenant, people of |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
creator, creation |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67, 75, 76 |
crime |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
crisis |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
critical apparatus |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
current, formulas |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
day, of tribulation |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
death, of christ, as salvific |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
devil |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
dirge |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
divine being, satan |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
divine identity |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67, 75, 76 |
divine name |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67, 75, 76 |
egypt, in exodus |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
ekphrasis |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
elisha ben avuya (aher) |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
elohim\u2003 |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 75 |
endurance (ὑπομονή) |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
enoch xviii, xix |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
eschatology, as colonial mimicry |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
eschatology/eschatological, judgement |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
eschatology |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 135, 137; Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145; Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
evil |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
exegesis |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 130, 135 |
experience |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 75 |
faith |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
faithful |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
fate |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
father |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 75, 76 |
followers, of jesus |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 137 |
from cave |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
glory |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67 |
god |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
god as father |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
greece, greek |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 76 |
heaven, sea of glass in |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
heaven, worship in |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
hermeneutics |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
hiddenness |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
identity, christian |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
identity, exodus-related |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
identity, identity marker |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
identity |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186, 215 |
idolatry |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
imagery, danielic |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
imagery, exodus-related |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 130 |
imagery, revelation |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 130 |
imitation, of christ |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
imperialism roman, x |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
incense |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186 |
infanticide |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
israel/israelites |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186, 215 |
jerusalem, new/heavenly |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
jerusalem |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54; Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 76; Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
john, author of revelation |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 130, 135, 137; Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54, 58 |
jude, letter of |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
judgment, biblical scheme of |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 130 |
judgment, eschatological |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
judgment, prophecy about |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
judgment |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
kingdom (βασιλεία) |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
knowledge |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
lamb, of god |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 135, 137 |
lamb |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58; Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56, 145 |
lament, lamentation |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
lex talionis |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
liturgy, liturgical |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
lord |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67, 75 |
lords prayer |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
love |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
manuscripts, codex alexandrinus |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
manuscripts, codex sinaiticus |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
martyrdom, martyr, imagination, imagined |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
martyrdom/martyrs |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
martyrs |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 939 |
metaphor |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
methodology, intratextual analysis |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 130 |
millennium |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
mimicry |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
miracles |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
monasticism |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
montanist |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 939 |
moses |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129; Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
mother |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67 |
mount, sinai |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
mount, sion |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 135 |
mystery |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
name |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
name of jesus |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
narrative |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
narrative (common) |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186 |
nations |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
nature, natural phenomena, fire |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
nature, natural phenomena, heaven, sky |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
new jerusalem |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
novelty (charge of ) |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
oil |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
passover |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
pastoral epistles |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
patience |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
patmos |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
paul, pauline, paulinism |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 75 |
paul |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
performance |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
pharaoh |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
philadelphia (ala\x06ehir) |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
pilgrimage |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
polluted sacraments/cursed mysteries xxxi |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
praise, of the lamb |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
prayer |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
prayer gestures/postures, washing hands |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
pre-election |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
priests, eschatological |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
priests |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 939 |
prisca/priscilla |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
prophecy, christian |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
prophecy, in daniel |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
prophecy, prophets, prophetic books |
Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008) 366 |
prophecy, revelation as |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 130, 135, 137 |
protection |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93; Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
pseudo-jerome |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
punishment |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
punishment of wrongdoers |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
quintilla |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 939; Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
rain |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
reading, variant |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
reception history |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
red sea |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
religion passim, temple, shrine |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
representation |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54, 58 |
revelation, book of |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
revelation, the apocalypse of jesus christ |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
revelation of john |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186, 215 |
rhetoric, narrative |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
rhetorics, rhetoric |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
rituals |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
robes |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
roman emperor, x |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
roman empire culture of spectacle of |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
roman empire military of |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70 |
saints |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135; Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
salvation |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
satan |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54; Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
scroll |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
sea, seaside, seascapes |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
seal |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
seal (σφραγίς), in revelation |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
sealing |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
secrecy |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
septuagint |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
servant, of moses |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
setting, liturgical |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
seven churches |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
sex |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
shade |
Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
shema\u2003 |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 75 |
shield of trust |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
signet-ring |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
son of man |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 137 |
space, spatial, space-time |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
space, spatial, spatiality |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
space, spatial |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54, 58 |
spatiotemporality, spatiotemporal |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54, 58 |
spirit, early christianity |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
spirit, holy spirit |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
spirit |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
spiritual, spirituality |
Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008) 366 |
suffering |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186 |
suffering of the righteous |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
suffering of the wicked |
Stuckenbruck, 1 Enoch 91-108 (2007) 287 |
sun |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67 |
symbol(ic), symbolism |
Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008) 366 |
symbolic |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
syzygienlehre, tattooing |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 939 |
tattoo |
Tabbernee, Fake Prophecy and Polluted Sacraments: Ecclesiastical and Imperial Reactions to Montanism (2007) 357 |
temple |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145; Rubenstein, The History of Sukkot in the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods (1995) 93 |
tertullian |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 215 |
tetragrammaton |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 76 |
the literal meaning |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
the victor |
Cadwallader, Stones, Bones and the Sacred: Essays on Material Culture and Religion in Honor of Dennis E (2016) 124 |
theodotion |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135 |
throne, enthroned |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
throne |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135; Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 76 |
time |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54, 58 |
topographia |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
traditions, exodus-related |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 130, 135 |
traditions, jewish |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
transformation |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 145 |
trauma, traumatic |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
tribulation |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
two powers |
Rowland, The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament (2009) 56 |
typology |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 130 |
victory |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
virgins |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129, 135, 137 |
vision |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
voice |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
voyeurism |
Boustan Janssen and Roetzel, Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practices in Early Judaism and Christianity (2010) 70; Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
war |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 54 |
warfare, military, battle |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
warfare, military, warrior |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
warfare, military |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 146 |
water |
Hellholm et al., Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity (2010) 1773 |
wedding' |
Nissinen and Uro, Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (2008) 366 |
witness, as basis of belief or trust |
Morgan, The New Testament and the Theology of Trust: 'This Rich Trust' (2022) 120 |
witness |
Maier and Waldner, Desiring Martyrs: Locating Martyrs in Space and Time (2022) 58 |
women, and sex |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
women, child-bearing |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 129 |
worship, heavenly |
Berglund Crostini and Kelhoffer, Why We Sing: Music, Word, and Liturgy in Early Christianity (2022) 135, 137 |
worship, heavenly worship |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186 |
worship, true/authentic worship |
Sandnes and Hvalvik, Early Christian Prayer and Identity Formation (2014) 186 |
worship |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67 |
yahweh, yhwh |
Novenson, Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (2020) 67, 75 |