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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Moschus, Epitaph On Bion, 15

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bessone, f. Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
bucolic/pastoral poetry Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
death Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
grief Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
kania, r. Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
mourning Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
orpheus Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
pseudo-moschus/the epitaphist, lament for bion' Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
pseudo-moschus/the epitaphist Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42
troia, a. Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 42