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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Moschus, Epitaph On Bion, 125

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

3 results
1. Hesiod, Works And Days, 203-212, 202 (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)

202. Might will be right and shame shall cease to be
2. Euripides, Alcestis, 358-362, 357 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

3. Moschus, Epitaph On Bion, 124, 123 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aristaeus and orpheus Perkell, The Poet's Truth: A Study of the Poet in Virgil's Georgics (1989) 68
bessone, f. Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
death Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
eurydice Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
georgic poet, as maker of new myths Perkell, The Poet's Truth: A Study of the Poet in Virgil's Georgics (1989) 68
grief Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
hades Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
heracles/hercules Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
odysseus Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
orpheus Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
orpheus and eurydice Perkell, The Poet's Truth: A Study of the Poet in Virgil's Georgics (1989) 68
persephone Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
pluto Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
pseudo-moschus/the epitaphist, lament for bion' Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
pseudo-moschus/the epitaphist Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43
underworld Thorsen et al., Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection (2021) 43