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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Lucan, Pharsalia, 9.133-9.135

nanTears shall dissolve it: sword nor noose I need Nor headlong plunge. 'Twere shameful since thy death, Were aught but grief required to cause my own." She seeks the cabin, veiled, in funeral garb, In tears to find her solace, and to love Grief in her husband's room; no prayers were hers For life, as were the sailors'; nor their shout Roused by the height of peril, moved her soul, Nor angered waves: but sorrowing there she lay, Resigned to death and welcoming the storm.

nanTears shall dissolve it: sword nor noose I need Nor headlong plunge. 'Twere shameful since thy death, Were aught but grief required to cause my own." She seeks the cabin, veiled, in funeral garb, In tears to find her solace, and to love Grief in her husband's room; no prayers were hers For life, as were the sailors'; nor their shout Roused by the height of peril, moved her soul, Nor angered waves: but sorrowing there she lay, Resigned to death and welcoming the storm.

nanTears shall dissolve it: sword nor noose I need Nor headlong plunge. 'Twere shameful since thy death, Were aught but grief required to cause my own." She seeks the cabin, veiled, in funeral garb, In tears to find her solace, and to love Grief in her husband's room; no prayers were hers For life, as were the sailors'; nor their shout Roused by the height of peril, moved her soul, Nor angered waves: but sorrowing there she lay, Resigned to death and welcoming the storm.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

6 results
1. Vergil, Aeneis, 1.740-1.746, 1.753, 4.10, 4.323-4.324 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

1.740. uch haughty violence fits not the souls 1.741. of vanquished men. We journey to a land 1.742. named, in Greek syllables, Hesperia : 1.743. a storied realm, made mighty by great wars 1.744. and wealth of fruitful land; in former days 1.745. Oenotrians had it, and their sons, 't is said 1.746. have called it Italy, a chieftain's name 1.753. we few swam hither, waifs upon your shore! 4.10. Aurora had dispelled the dark and dew; 4.323. of empire Heaven-bestowed. On winged winds 4.324. hasten with my decrees. Not such the man
2. Vergil, Georgics, 2.490 (1st cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

2.490. Till hollow vale o'erflows, and gorge profound
3. Lucan, Pharsalia, 1.19-1.20, 3.197-3.200, 6.474, 6.810-6.811, 7.825-7.834, 8.281, 8.444-8.447, 8.465, 8.473, 8.477-8.478, 8.498, 8.525-8.526, 8.542-8.544, 8.559, 8.855-8.862, 8.871-8.872, 9.134-9.135, 9.266, 9.413, 9.705, 9.752, 9.816, 9.1010-9.1104, 10.80, 10.142, 10.149-10.158, 10.180-10.183 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

4. Silius Italicus, Punica, 8.50 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

5. Statius, Siluae, 3.2.101-3.2.126, 3.5.75-3.5.76 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

6. Servius, Commentary On The Aeneid, 2.557 (4th cent. CE - 5th cent. CE)

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