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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Justinian, Novellae, 131

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

6 results
1. Hebrew Bible, Psalms, 108 (9th cent. BCE - 3rd cent. BCE)

2. Justinian, Codex Justinianus, 1.3.54 (5th cent. CE - 6th cent. CE)

3. Justinian, Novellae, 54, 67, 7, 37 (5th cent. CE - 6th cent. CE)

4. Justinian, Novellae, 37, 54, 67, 7, 131 (5th cent. CE - 6th cent. CE)

5. Theodosius Ii Emperor of Rome, Theodosian Code, 5.3.1, 16.8.25 (5th cent. CE - 5th cent. CE)

6. Council of Nicaea, Can., 5

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
ambrose of milan, churches as protecting places and Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 225
augustine of hippo, on psalm Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 223
auxilius Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
barsauma the syrian Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 222
blasphemy Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 225
churches as protecting spaces, redemption of captives Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 225
constantinople, hagios polyeuktos Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 221, 222
detention (usufruct) of res sacrae Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 195
dissident christians, justinians suppression of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
dissident christians, land transfer laws and Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
emphyteusis (lease) of res sacrae Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 195
ibas of edessa Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
isaac (monk and accuser of john chrysostom) Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
isserninus (bishop) Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
jones, a. h. m. Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 218
judass betrayal, psalm Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 223
justinian, land transfers from churches to all non-orthodox prohibited by Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
justinian, laws pertaining to jews of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
justinian, plague outbreaks during reign of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
justinian, program against non-orthodox persons of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
justinianic jurisprudence, on divine protection of res sacrae Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 222, 223
justinianic jurisprudence, on imperial laws as res sacrae Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 222, 223
laurentian fragment Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 226
law, late roman, construction of new synagogues prohibited by Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
legal concept of res sacrae, imperial laws regarded as re sacrae by justinian Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 222, 223
liturgical vessels Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 222
martyria Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 218
oak, synod of the Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
origen Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 223
patronage\n Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 222, 226
patrons, emperor as Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 222
peter (master of the offices) Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 195
peter (praetorian prefect) Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 195
photius of constantinople Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
plague Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
redemption of captives, churches as protecting spaces and Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
redemption of captives, divinely protected status of res sacrae and Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 225
relics, martyria and Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 218
res religiosae Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 218
robinson, olivia Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 225
sacrilege, blasphemy versus Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 225
sacrilege, captives, redemption of Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 225
saint patrick Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
sardis, synagogue in Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
stilicho, stones, re-use of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
synagogues, jewish, churches on the sites of Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
synagogues, jewish, on minorca' Kraemer, The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity: What Christianity Cost the Jews (2020) 307
theodore of mopsuestia, against eunomius Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
theodoret (historian) Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232
theodoric (king) Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 226
van nuffelen, peter Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity (2021) 232