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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Hipponax, Fragments, 84 w. ( r.86 deg.)

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
callimachus, and the muses Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
ephesus Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
hipponax, in iambi Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
iambi (callimachus), hipponax in Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
influence, role of muses in Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
ion of chios Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
meter, of iambi Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
muses, callimachus and Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
plato, ion Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
poetry, as techne Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331
techne, poetic' Acosta-Hughes Lehnus and Stephens, Brill's Companion to Callimachus (2011) 331