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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Hipponax, Fragments, 15

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aeschylides Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
agora Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
alcaeus Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
alcibiades Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
alcman Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
anacreon Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
ananius Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
arete, in hipponax Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
asclepiades Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
athenian Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
athenis Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
atthis Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
berenice Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
bupalus Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
callimachus Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
castigation Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
chios Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
choliambics Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
cimon Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
clazomenae, clazomenian Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
consolation Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
corinth, corinthian Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
critias Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127, 258
cup Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
dionysius chalcus Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
epinicion Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
epode Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
euenus Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
hellenistic Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
hermes Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
hipponax Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127, 258
iambic trimeters Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
ibycus Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
immortality Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
lissarrague, francois Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
melanthius Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
melic Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
mimnes Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
orgy Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
painting Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
performance context Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
pericles Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
persona, poetic Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
plato Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
praise Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127, 258
prayer Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
ritual Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
salamis Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
sappho Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127, 258
sculpture Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
seduction Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
semonides Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160, 258
sicily Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
tetrameters Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 127
theognis and the theognidea Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
tzetzes Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
victory, chariot Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258
vituperation' Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 160
xenophanes Bowie, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (2021) 258