animal sacrifice |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
aristotelianism, criticism of |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 127 |
aristotle, de caelo |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
aristotle |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
associations |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 34 |
atomism |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
baptism, rebirth |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
baptism, salvation |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
breaking of bread |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67 |
carpocratians |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126 |
catechumen |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67 |
clement of rome, and heresy |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111 |
cyclicality, in aristotles works |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
daimons |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
danowski, déborah |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
democritus |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
ebionites, the elder |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111 |
elchasites |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
empedocles |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
epiphanius of salamis |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
eusebius of caesarea |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 127 |
free choice, christian |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
gnosticism, as pagan |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125 |
gnosticism, heresiological reduction and simplification of |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 127 |
heraclitus |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
heresy, alterity/otherness/exteriority of |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125 |
heresy |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
hippolytus |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
human being, creation of, adams creation |
Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 251 |
human sacrifice |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
immorality, accusations of |
Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 251 |
in the evening |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 138 |
irenaeus, on heresy and paganism |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126, 127 |
irenaeus, sources |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111 |
irenaeus |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111; Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
irenaeus of lyons |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
jesus |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
latour, bruno |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
libertinism/license |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 126, 127 |
magic, work of daimons |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
magicians, jesus as |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
magicians |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
marcionites |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
marcus (the magician) |
Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 208 |
mark the magician |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111, 125, 126 |
myth, associated with heresy |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125 |
ophites |
Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 240 |
order of the gathering |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67 |
paganism, heresy assimilated to |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126, 127 |
passover |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 190 |
peretae |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
phibionites |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
pliny |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
prayereucharistic |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 138 |
preaching |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67, 190 |
presocratic philosophy |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
sabbath, the |
Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17 |
sabbath |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 190 |
satan, and heresy |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111 |
sermon |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67 |
simon of samaria |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111, 127 |
simonians (sect) |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126, 127 |
succession, authentic succession |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111 |
tatian |
Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558 |
valentinians |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 127 |
viveiros de castro, eduardo |
Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23 |
water' |
Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 138 |
wisdom (sophia), lower wisdom (achamoth) |
Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 240, 251 |
θίασος |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 126, 127 |
πάρεδρος |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126 |
φίλτρον |
Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 126 |