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Hippolytus, Refutation Of All Heresies, 1.13.4

nanBut already some of the most faithful women, possessed of the fear of God, and not being deceived (whom, nevertheless, he did his best to seduce like the rest by bidding them prophesy), abhorring and execrating him, have withdrawn from such a vile company of revellers. This they have done, as being well aware that the gift of prophecy is not conferred on men by Marcus, the magician, but that only those to whom God sends His grace from above possess the divinely-bestowed power of prophesying; and then they speak where and when God pleases, and not when Marcus orders them to do so. For that which commands is greater and of higher authority than that which is commanded, inasmuch as the former rules, while the latter is in a state of subjection. If, then, Marcus, or any one else, does command,--as these are accustomed continually at their feasts to play at drawing lots, and [in accordance with the lot] to command one another to prophesy, giving forth as oracles what is in harmony with their own desires,--it will follow that he who commands is greater and of higher authority than the prophetic spirit, though he is but a man, which is impossible. But such spirits as are commanded by these men, and speak when they desire it, are earthly and weak, audacious and impudent, sent forth by Satan for the seduction and perdition of those who do not hold fast that well- compacted faith which they received at first through the Church.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

12 results
1. Hebrew Bible, Exodus, 12 (9th cent. BCE - 3rd cent. BCE)

2. Plato, Philebus, 16c (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

16c. Soc. One which is easy to point out, but very difficult to follow for through it all the inventions of art have been brought to light. See this is the road I mean. Pro. Go on what is it? Soc. A gift of gods to men, as I believe, was tossed down from some divine source through the agency of a Prometheus together with a gleaming fire; and the ancients, who were better than we and lived nearer the gods, handed down the tradition that all the things which are ever said to exist are sprung from one and many and have inherent in them the finite and the infinite. This being the way in which these things are arranged
3. Ignatius, To The Ephesians, 19.2-19.3 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

19.2. How then were they made manifest to the ages? A star shone forth in the heaven above all the stars; and its light was unutterable, and its strangeness caused amazement; and all the rest of the constellations with the sun and moon formed themselves into a chorus about the star; but the star itself far outshone them all; and there was perplexity to know whence came this strange appearance which was so unlike them. 19.3. From that time forward every sorcery and every spell was dissolved, the ignorance of wickedness vanished away, the ancient kingdom was pulled down, when God appeared in the likeness of man unto newness of everlasting life; and that which had been perfected in the counsels of God began to take effect. Thence all things were perturbed, because the abolishing of death was taken in hand.
4. New Testament, Acts, 8.9, 20.11 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

8.9. But there was a certain man, Simon by name, who had used sorcery in the city before, and amazed the people of Samaria, making himself out to be some great one 20.11. When he had gone up, and had broken bread, and eaten, and had talked with them a long while, even until break of day, he departed.
5. Clement of Alexandria, Excerpts From Theodotus, 53.2 (2nd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

50. 'Taking dust from the earth': not of the land but a portion of matter but of varied constitution and colour, he fashioned a soul, earthly and material, irrational and consubstantial with that of the beasts. This is the man 'according to the image.' But the man who is 'according to the likeness' of the Creator himself, is he whom he has breathed into and inseminated into the former, placing in him by angels something consubstantial with himself. Inasmuch as he is invisible and immaterial, he called his substance 'the breath of life,' but that which was given form became a 'living soul,' and he himself confesses that it is so in the prophetic writings.
6. Hippolytus, Refutation of All Heresies, 1.13.2, 1.13.4, 6.33.1 (2nd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

7. Irenaeus, Refutation of All Heresies, 1, 1.11.1, 1.13.1, 1.13.2, 1.13.3, 1.13.5, 1.13.6, 1.13.7, 1.15.6, 1.21.1, 1.23.2, 1.23.4, 1.25.3, 1.25.6, 1.30.15, 1.5.1, 1.5.5, 1.5.6, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, 1.7.3, 3.15.2, 3.17.4, 3.4.3, 4, 5.11, i. pref. 2 (2nd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

8. Justin, First Apology, 14 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

14. For we forewarn you to be on your guard, lest those demons whom we have been accusing should deceive you, and quite divert you from reading and understanding what we say. For they strive to hold you their slaves and servants; and sometimes by appearances in dreams, and sometimes by magical impositions, they subdue all who make no strong opposing effort for their own salvation. And thus do we also, since our persuasion by the Word, stand aloof from them (i.e., the demons), and follow the only unbegotten God through His Son - we who formerly delighted in fornication, but now embrace chastity alone; we who formerly used magical arts, dedicate ourselves to the good and unbegotten God; we who valued above all things the acquisition of wealth and possessions, now bring what we have into a common stock, and communicate to every one in need; we who hated and destroyed one another, and on account of their different manners would not live with men of a different tribe, now, since the coming of Christ, live familiarly with them, and pray for our enemies, and endeavour to persuade those who hate us unjustly to live conformably to the good precepts of Christ, to the end that they may become partakers with us of the same joyful hope of a reward from God the ruler of all. But lest we should seem to be reasoning sophistically, we consider it right, before giving you the promised explanation, to cite a few precepts given by Christ Himself. And be it yours, as powerful rulers, to inquire whether we have been taught and do teach these things truly. Brief and concise utterances fell from Him, for He was no sophist, but His word was the power of God.
9. Lucian, The Passing of Peregrinus, 11 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

10. Tatian, Oration To The Greeks, 9.2 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

11. Origen, Against Celsus, 3.23 (3rd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

3.23. But we, in proving the facts related of our Jesus from the prophetic Scriptures, and comparing afterwards His history with them, demonstrate that no dissoluteness on His part is recorded. For even they who conspired against Him, and who sought false witnesses to aid them, did not find even any plausible grounds for advancing a false charge against Him, so as to accuse Him of licentiousness; but His death was indeed the result of a conspiracy, and bore no resemblance to the death of Æsculapius by lightning. And what is there that is venerable in the madman Dionysus, and his female garments, that he should be worshipped as a god? And if they who would defend such beings betake themselves to allegorical interpretations, we must examine each individual instance, and ascertain whether it is well founded, and also in each particular case, whether those beings can have a real existence, and are deserving of respect and worship who were torn by the Titans, and cast down from their heavenly throne. Whereas our Jesus, who appeared to the members of His own troop - for I will take the word that Celsus employs - did really appear, and Celsus makes a false accusation against the Gospel in saying that what appeared was a shadow. And let the statements of their histories and that of Jesus be carefully compared together. Will Celsus have the former to be true, but the latter, although recorded by eye-witnesses who showed by their acts that they clearly understood the nature of what they had seen, and who manifested their state of mind by what they cheerfully underwent for the sake of His Gospel, to be inventions? Now, who is there that, desiring to act always in conformity with right reason, would yield his assent at random to what is related of the one, but would rush to the history of Jesus, and without examination refuse to believe what is recorded of Him?
12. Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.9 (4th cent. CE - 5th cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
animal sacrifice Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
aristotelianism, criticism of Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 127
aristotle, de caelo Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
aristotle Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
associations Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 34
atomism Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
baptism, rebirth Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
baptism, salvation Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
breaking of bread Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67
carpocratians Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126
catechumen Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67
clement of rome, and heresy Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111
cyclicality, in aristotles works Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
daimons Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
danowski, déborah Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
democritus Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
ebionites, the elder Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111
elchasites Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
empedocles Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
epiphanius of salamis Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
eusebius of caesarea Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 127
free choice, christian Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
gnosticism, as pagan Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125
gnosticism, heresiological reduction and simplification of Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 127
heraclitus Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
heresy, alterity/otherness/exteriority of Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125
heresy Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
hippolytus Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
human being, creation of, adams creation Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 251
human sacrifice Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
immorality, accusations of Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 251
in the evening Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 138
irenaeus, on heresy and paganism Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126, 127
irenaeus, sources Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111
irenaeus Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111; Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
irenaeus of lyons Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
jesus Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
latour, bruno Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
libertinism/license Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 126, 127
magic, work of daimons Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
magicians, jesus as Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
magicians Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
marcionites Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
marcus (the magician) Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 208
mark the magician Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111, 125, 126
myth, associated with heresy Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125
ophites Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 240
order of the gathering Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67
paganism, heresy assimilated to Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126, 127
passover Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 190
peretae Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
phibionites Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
pliny Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
prayereucharistic Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 138
preaching Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67, 190
presocratic philosophy Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
sabbath, the Janowitz, Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (2002) 17
sabbath Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 190
satan, and heresy Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111
sermon Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 67
simon of samaria Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111, 127
simonians (sect) Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126, 127
succession, authentic succession Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 111
tatian Bowen and Rochberg, Hellenistic Astronomy: The Science in its contexts (2020) 558
valentinians Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 127
viveiros de castro, eduardo Star, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The End of the World in Greek and Roman Thought (2021) 23
water' Alikin, The Earliest History of the Christian Gathering (2009) 138
wisdom (sophia), lower wisdom (achamoth) Dunderberg, Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (2008) 240, 251
θίασος Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 126, 127
πάρεδρος Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 125, 126
φίλτρον Boulluec, The Notion of Heresy in Greek Literature in the Second and Third Centuries (2022) 126