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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Hermas, Visions, 2.2.4-2.2.5

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

17 results
1. Hebrew Bible, Daniel, 7 (2nd cent. BCE - 2nd cent. BCE)

2. Juvenal, Satires, 3.1 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

3. New Testament, 1 Corinthians, 7.40 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

7.40. But she is happier if she stays asshe is, in my judgment, and I think that I also have God's Spirit.
4. New Testament, Hebrews, 3.12, 11.33 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

3.12. Beware, brothers, lest perhaps there be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God; 11.33. who, through faith subdued kingdoms, worked out righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions
5. New Testament, Romans, 16.14 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

16.14. Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers who are with them.
6. New Testament, Mark, 5.19, 8.3 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

5.19. He didn't allow him, but said to him, "Go to your house, to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how he had mercy on you. 8.3. If I send them away fasting to their home, they will faint on the way, for some of them have come a long way.
7. Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 48 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

8. Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 48 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

9. Suetonius, Nero, 16.2 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

10. Tacitus, Annals, 15.44 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

15.44.  So far, the precautions taken were suggested by human prudence: now means were sought for appeasing deity, and application was made to the Sibylline books; at the injunction of which public prayers were offered to Vulcan, Ceres, and Proserpine, while Juno was propitiated by the matrons, first in the Capitol, then at the nearest point of the sea-shore, where water was drawn for sprinkling the temple and image of the goddess. Ritual banquets and all-night vigils were celebrated by women in the married state. But neither human help, nor imperial munificence, nor all the modes of placating Heaven, could stifle scandal or dispel the belief that the fire had taken place by order. Therefore, to scotch the rumour, Nero substituted as culprits, and punished with the utmost refinements of cruelty, a class of men, loathed for their vices, whom the crowd styled Christians. Christus, the founder of the name, had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius, by sentence of the procurator Pontius Pilatus, and the pernicious superstition was checked for a moment, only to break out once more, not merely in Judaea, the home of the disease, but in the capital itself, where all things horrible or shameful in the world collect and find a vogue. First, then, the confessed members of the sect were arrested; next, on their disclosures, vast numbers were convicted, not so much on the count of arson as for hatred of the human race. And derision accompanied their end: they were covered with wild beasts' skins and torn to death by dogs; or they were fastened on crosses, and, when daylight failed were burned to serve as lamps by night. Nero had offered his Gardens for the spectacle, and gave an exhibition in his Circus, mixing with the crowd in the habit of a charioteer, or mounted on his car. Hence, in spite of a guilt which had earned the most exemplary punishment, there arose a sentiment of pity, due to the impression that they were being sacrificed not for the welfare of the state but to the ferocity of a single man.
11. Hermas, Mandates, 4.3.1, 11.8, 12.3.6 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

12. Hermas, Similitudes, 6.1.1 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

13. Hermas, Visions, 1.1.3, 1.1.8, 1.3.1-1.3.2, 1.4.1, 2.2.6-2.2.7, 2.3.1, 2.4.1-2.4.3, 3.2.1, 3.6.1, 3.8.11, 3.9.8, 3.9.10, 3.10.6, 3.13, 4.1.2 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

14. Pliny The Younger, Letters, 10.96-10.97 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

15. Pliny The Younger, Letters, 10.96-10.97 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

16. Tertullian, Apology, 5.4 (2nd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

17. Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History, 2.25, 3.17-3.18, 4.26 (3rd cent. CE - 4th cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
affect theory Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
armor, faith as Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
baptism, and salvation Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
baptism, as an eschatological event Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
canon muratori Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
children Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221
church Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3; Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
clemens Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
clement of alexandria Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
codes, family, sexuality, masculinity/feminity Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
codex sinaiticus Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 5
community, leadership of the Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
cumae Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 228
dividual Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
domitian, roman emperor Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 27
edict of trajan Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 13
educated, erudite Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 228, 235
faith, as armor Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
family Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221
forum romanum Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 228
freedpersons (and their descendants), manumission Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221, 228, 235
grief, haustafeln Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
groups, group formation Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
happy objects Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
hermas, as pro- or anti-pauline Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 66
hermas Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221, 228, 235
hermas and the pauline letters, quoting or naming Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 66
hermas apocalypticus Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 13, 66
hermas pastoralis Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 13, 66
hermas secundarius Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 13
hermes (god) Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 228
house, possession of Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221
household codes Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
individual, religious actions Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
irenaeus Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 27
knowledge Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
leadership, church Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
letters (literary genre) Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
masculinity Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
metanoia Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
metaphors, arming oneself Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
mind Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
muratorian fragment Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 13, 27
nero, roman emperor Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 27
orality Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
origen Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 15
paradise Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
persecution, martyrs Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221, 235
persecution of christians Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 16, 27
pius i, pope Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 13, 15, 27
pliny the younger Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 16
porosity Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
prayer Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221, 228
priesthood, episcopoi Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
priesthood, presbyteroi Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
prophecy Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
provincials, immigrants Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221, 228, 235
quotations, scholarly emphasis on Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 66
reading Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
repentance Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221; Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 16
residences (tenement houses) Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221
revelations Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
ritual Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
salvation, and baptism Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 192
self, individual see individual, religious Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
self-fashioning Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
self Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
shepherd, historical aspects, author, single Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 16, 19
shepherd, historical aspects, authors, multiple Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 10, 13, 14, 15, 16
shepherd, historical aspects, dating of Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 5, 10, 15, 16, 27
shepherd, historical aspects, in early christian sources Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 27
shepherd, historical aspects, oral origins of Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 19
shepherd, historical aspects, terminus ante quem Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 27
shepherd, historical aspects, terminus post quem Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 16
shepherd, manuscripts, codex sinaiticus Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 5
shepherd, manuscripts, muratorian fragment Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 13, 27
shepherd, manuscripts Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 5
shepherd, translations, arabic Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 10
shepherd, translations, georgian Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 10
shepherd, translations, latin Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 10
shepherd of hermas, and church identity Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 297
shepherd of hermas, and repentance Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 297
shepherd of hermas, transmission Bird and Harrower, The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers (2021) 305
sibyl Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 228
sin Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51
slavery Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
slaves, slavery Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221, 228, 235
spatiality Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
speech Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
tower Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
trajan, roman emperor Soyars, The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline Legacy (2019) 16
virtue Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3
vision' Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 235
vision Harkins and Maier, Experiencing the Shepherd of Hermas (2022) 3; Lampe, Christians at Rome in the First Two Centuries: From Paul to Valentinus (2003) 221
visions Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 51