ademollo, f. |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 189 |
agalmata |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
alexander of abonuteichos |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
antigone |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
asclepius |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
athena (pallas) |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
betegh, g. |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22 |
bricoleur, bricolage |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
cosmos |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22 |
cratylus (historical figure) |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 189 |
cratylus (platos character) |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 189 |
cybele |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
death |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
dionysus, birth (and rebirth) of |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
dionysus, god of death outside of tablets |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
dionysus |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119; Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
elemental processes |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 24 |
eleusis |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
emptiness, of statue |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
god |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22, 24, 25 |
hades |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
harmonia |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 24 |
heracliteanism |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 189 |
heraclitus |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22, 24, 25; Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
hesiod |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22 |
homer |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22 |
iacchus |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
iconoclasm |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
italy |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
kahn, c. |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 25 |
mccabe, m.m. |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 24 |
methodology, form criticism |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 3 |
methodology, postmodernism |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 3 |
most, g. |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 25 |
mysteries, eleusinian |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
mystic |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
names |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 25, 189 |
naturalism |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 189 |
nature |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22, 24, 25 |
olbia tablets |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
phallos, dionysus and |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
philein |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 25 |
politics |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 3 |
procession (pompe) |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
ramnoux, c. |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
religion passim, syncretism |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 3 |
rhea |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
salvation |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
smith, joseph |
Graf and Johnston, Ritual texts for the afterlife: Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets (2007) 73 |
soul, world soul |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22 |
soul |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22 |
statues, as vessel |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
statues, empty |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
theaetetus (plato) |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 189 |
truth' |
Rothschold, Blanton and Calhoun, The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (2014) 3 |
underworld |
Bierl, Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture (2017) 119 |
vessel, statue as |
Steiner, Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (2001) 121 |
will, of god |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22 |
wisdom |
Harte, Rereading Ancient Philosophy: Old Chestnuts and Sacred Cows (2017) 22, 24 |