abraham |
Grypeou and Spurling, The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009) 147 |
arsinoe |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
artaxerxes i |
Bickerman and Tropper, Studies in Jewish and Christian History (2007) 1009 |
assyria, ancient |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
census returns, roman-egyptian i |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
claudius, roman emperor, expulsion of jews from rome by |
Feldman, Judaism and Hellenism Reconsidered (2006) 393 |
covenant, sinai |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
dead sea scrolls |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
essenes, the |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
exodus |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
glory, divine |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
haran |
Grypeou and Spurling, The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009) 147 |
horeb |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
interpretation, biblical |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
interpretation, deuteronomic |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
interpretation—see also midrash |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
jerusalem, vs. sinai |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
jerusalem, zion |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
jews/jewish |
Grypeou and Spurling, The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009) 147 |
labor demands |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
letters, private |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
livestock |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
melchizedek |
Grypeou and Spurling, The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009) 147 |
metropolis |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
midrash/midrashim |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
moses, art |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
moses, qumran |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
moses |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76; Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
parabiblical literature |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
peasant population |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
pentateuch |
Nihan and Frevel, Purity and the Forming of Religious Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean World and Ancient Judaism (2013) 316 |
prayer |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76; Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
priesthood, priests |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
prophets |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
proselyte/proselytism |
Grypeou and Spurling, The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009) 147 |
pseudepigraphic attribution |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
qumran, deuteronomy |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
qumran, moses |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
qumran, priesthood |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
qumran, scriptural traditions |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
qumran/qumran community |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
revelation |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
rewritten bible |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
sectarian/sectarianism |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
sectarianism |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
shekhina, universal |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
sheshbazzar |
Bickerman and Tropper, Studies in Jewish and Christian History (2007) 1009 |
sinai, covenant |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
sinai, mount |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
sinai, qumran literature |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
sinai |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
synagogue, wilderness tradition |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
synagogue, zion/jerusalem |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
tannaitic literature |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
taxation |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
temple |
Bickerman and Tropper, Studies in Jewish and Christian History (2007) 1009 |
temporal order and torah |
Neusner, The Idea of History in Rabbinic Judaism (2004) 100 |
torah' |
Grypeou and Spurling, The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009) 147 |
torah, written (pentateuch), temporal order in |
Neusner, The Idea of History in Rabbinic Judaism (2004) 100 |
torah |
Fraade, Legal Fictions: Studies of Law and Narrative in the Discursive Worlds of Ancient Jewish Sectarians and Sages (2011) 183 |
urbanization |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
wilderness |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |
wills |
Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity (2013) 22 |
zerubabel |
Bickerman and Tropper, Studies in Jewish and Christian History (2007) 1009 |
zion |
Brooke et al., Past Renewals: Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation, and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (2008) 76 |