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Hebrew Bible, Job, 7.1

לֹא־יָשׁוּב עוֹד לְבֵיתוֹ וְלֹא־יַכִּירֶנּוּ עוֹד מְקֹמוֹ׃Is there not a time of service to man upon earth? And are not his days like the days of a hireling?

הֲלֹא־צָבָא לֶאֱנוֹשׁ על־[עֲלֵי־] אָרֶץ וְכִימֵי שָׂכִיר יָמָיו׃Is there not a time of service to man upon earth? And are not his days like the days of a hireling?

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

4 results
1. New Testament, 1 Corinthians, 10.1, 10.13 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

10.1. Now I would not have you ignorant, brothers, that our fatherswere all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 10.13. No temptation has taken you but such as man can bear. God isfaithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able,but will with the temptation also make the way of escape, that you maybe able to endure it.
2. New Testament, Romans, 8.26 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

8.26. In the same way, the Spirit also helps our weaknesses, for we don't know how to pray as we ought. But the Spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings which can't be uttered.
3. Origen, Commentary On Matthew, 16.29 (3rd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

4. Origen, On Prayer, 29.9, 30.3 (3rd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

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