15a. ועל ידי שלשה בני קרח,ירמיה כתב ספרו וספר מלכים וקינות חזקיה וסיעתו כתבו (ימש"ק סימן) ישעיה משלי שיר השירים וקהלת אנשי כנסת הגדולה כתבו (קנד"ג סימן) יחזקאל ושנים עשר דניאל ומגילת אסתר עזרא כתב ספרו ויחס של דברי הימים עד לו,מסייעא ליה לרב דאמר רב יהודה אמר רב לא עלה עזרא מבבל עד שיחס עצמו ועלה ומאן אסקיה נחמיה בן חכליה,אמר מר יהושע כתב ספרו ושמונה פסוקים שבתורה תניא כמאן דאמר שמונה פסוקים שבתורה יהושע כתבן דתניא (דברים לד, ה) וימת שם משה עבד ה' אפשר משה (מת) וכתב וימת שם משה אלא עד כאן כתב משה מכאן ואילך כתב יהושע דברי ר"י ואמרי לה ר' נחמיה,אמר לו ר"ש אפשר ס"ת חסר אות אחת וכתיב (דברים לא, כו) לקוח את ספר התורה הזה אלא עד כאן הקב"ה אומר ומשה אומר וכותב מכאן ואילך הקב"ה אומר ומשה כותב בדמע כמו שנאמר להלן (ירמיהו לו, יח) ויאמר להם ברוך מפיו יקרא אלי את כל הדברים האלה ואני כותב על הספר בדיו,כמאן אזלא הא דא"ר יהושע בר אבא אמר רב גידל אמר רב שמונה פסוקים שבתורה יחיד קורא אותן לימא (ר"י היא) ודלא כר"ש אפילו תימא ר"ש הואיל ואשתנו אשתנו:,יהושע כתב ספרו והכתיב (יהושע כד, כט) וימת יהושע בן נון עבד ה' דאסקיה אלעזר והכתיב (יהושע כד, לג) ואלעזר בן אהרן מת דאסקיה פנחס,שמואל כתב ספרו והכתיב (שמואל א כח, ג) ושמואל מת דאסקיה גד החוזה ונתן הנביא,דוד כתב ספר תהלים על ידי עשרה זקנים וליחשוב נמי איתן האזרחי אמר רב איתן האזרחי זה הוא אברהם כתיב הכא (תהלים פט, א) איתן האזרחי וכתיב התם (ישעיהו מא, ב) מי העיר ממזרח צדק [וגו'],קא חשיב משה וקא חשיב הימן והאמר רב הימן זה משה כתיב הכא הימן וכתיב התם (במדבר יב, ז) בכל ביתי נאמן הוא תרי הימן הוו,משה כתב ספרו ופרשת בלעם ואיוב מסייעא ליה לר' לוי בר לחמא דא"ר לוי בר לחמא איוב בימי משה היה כתיב הכא (איוב יט, כג) מי יתן אפוא ויכתבון מלי וכתיב התם (שמות לג, טז) ובמה יודע אפוא,ואימא בימי יצחק דכתיב (בראשית כז, לג) מי אפוא הוא הצד ציד ואימא בימי יעקב דכתיב (בראשית מג, יא) אם כן אפוא זאת עשו ואימא בימי יוסף דכתיב (בראשית לז, טז) איפה הם רועים,לא ס"ד דכתיב (איוב יט, כג) מי יתן בספר ויוחקו ומשה הוא דאיקרי מחוקק דכתיב (דברים לג, כא) וירא ראשית לו כי שם חלקת מחוקק ספון,רבא אמר איוב בימי מרגלים היה כתיב הכא (איוב א, א) איש היה בארץ עוץ איוב שמו וכתיב התם (במדבר יג, כ) היש בה עץ מי דמי הכא עוץ התם עץ הכי קאמר להו משה לישראל ישנו לאותו אדם ששנותיו ארוכות כעץ ומגין על דורו כעץ,יתיב ההוא מרבנן קמיה דר' שמואל בר נחמני ויתיב וקאמר איוב לא היה ולא נברא אלא משל היה אמר ליה עליך אמר קרא איש היה בארץ עוץ איוב שמו,אלא מעתה (שמואל ב יב, ג) ולרש אין כל כי אם כבשה אחת קטנה אשר קנה ויחיה וגו' מי הוה אלא משל בעלמא הכא נמי משל בעלמא א"כ שמו ושם עירו למה,רבי יוחנן ורבי אלעזר דאמרי תרוייהו איוב מעולי גולה היה ובית מדרשו בטבריא היה מיתיבי ימי שנותיו של איוב משעה שנכנסו ישראל למצרים ועד שיצאו | 15a. band by the three sons of Korah. /b, bJeremiah wrote his own book, and the book of Kings, and Lamentations. Hezekiah and his colleagues wrotethe following, and ba mnemonicto remember which books they wrote is iyod /i, imem /i, ishin /i, ikuf /i: Isaiah [ iYeshaya /i], Proverbs [ iMishlei /i], Song of Songs [ iShir HaShirim /i], and Ecclesiastes [ iKohelet /i]. The members of the Great Assembly wrotethe following, and ba mnemonicto remember these books is ikuf /i, inun /i, idalet /i, igimmel /i: Ezekiel [ iYeḥezkel], and the Twelve Prophets [ iSheneim Asar /i], Daniel[iDaniel /i], band the Scroll of Esther [ iMegillat Ester /i]. Ezra wrote his own book and the genealogy ofthe book of bChronicles until hisperiod.,The Gemara comments: This bsupports Rav, as Rav Yehuda saysthat bRav says: Ezra did not ascend from Babyloniato Eretz Yisrael buntil he established his own genealogy, andafter that he bascended.This genealogy is what is written in the book of Chronicles. bAnd who completedthe book of Chronicles for the generations following Ezra? bNehemiah, son of Hacaliah. /b,The Gemara elaborates on the particulars of this ibaraita /i: bThe Master saidabove that bJoshua wrote his own book and eight verses of the Torah.The Gemara comments: This ibaraita bis taught in accordance with the one who says thatit was bJoshuawho bwrote thelast beight verses in the Torah.This point is subject to a tannaitic dispute, bas it is taughtin another ibaraita /i: b“And Moses the servant of the Lord died there”(Deuteronomy 34:5); bis it possible thatafter bMoses died, hehimself bwrote “And Moses died there”? Rather, Moses wrotethe entire Torah buntil this point,and bJoshua wrote from thispoint bforward;this is bthe statement of Rabbi Yehuda. And some saythat bRabbi Neḥemyastated this opinion., bRabbi Shimon said to him: Is it possiblethat the bTorah scroll was missing a single letter? But it is written: “Take this Torah scroll”(Deuteronomy 31:26), indicating that the Torah was complete as is and that nothing further would be added to it. bRather, until this point the Holy One, Blessed be He, dictated and Moses repeatedafter Him band wrotethe text. bFrom thispoint bforward,with respect to Moses’ death, bthe Holy One, Blessed be He, dictated and Moses wrote with tears.The fact that the Torah was written by way of dictation can be seen blater, as it is statedconcerning the writing of the Prophets: b“And Baruch said to them: He dictated all these words to me, and I wrote them with ink in the scroll”(Jeremiah 36:18).,The Gemara asks: bIn accordance with whoseopinion bis that which Rabbi Yehoshua bar Abba saysthat bRav Giddel saysthat bRav says:When the Torah is read publicly in the synagogue, boneperson breads thelast beight verses in the Torah,and that section may not be divided between two readers? bShall we saythat bthis isin accordance with the opinion of bRabbi Yehuda and not in accordance withthe opinion of bRabbi Shimon,as according to Rabbi Shimon these verses are an integral part of the Torah, written by Moses just like the rest? The Gemara answers: bEvenif byou saythat this was said in accordance with the opinion of bRabbi Shimon, since they differfrom the rest of the Torah in one way, as Moses wrote them with tears, bthey differfrom the rest of the Torah in this way as well, i.e., they may not be divided between two readers.,It is stated in the ibaraitathat bJoshua wrote his own book.The Gemara asks: bBut isn’t it writtentoward the end of the book: b“And Joshua, son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died”(Joshua 24:29)? Is it possible that Joshua wrote this? The Gemara answers: Aaron’s son bEleazar completed it.The Gemara asks: bBut isn’t italso bwritten: “And Eleazar, son of Aaron, died”(Joshua 24:33)? The Gemara answers: bPinehas completed it. /b,It is also stated in the ibaraitathat bSamuel wrote his own book.The Gemara asks: bBut isn’t it written: “And Samuel died”(I Samuel 28:3)? The Gemara answers: bGad the seer and Nathan the prophet finished it. /b,It is further stated that bDavid wrote the book of Psalms by means of ten elders,whom the ibaraitaproceeds to list. The Gemara asks: bButthen blet it also count Ethan the Ezrahiteamong the contributors to the book of Psalms, as it is he who is credited with Psalms, chapter 89. bRav says: Ethan the Ezrahite isthe same person as bAbraham.Proof for this is the fact that bit is written here:“A Maskil of bEthan the Ezrahite”(Psalms 89:1), band it is written there: “Who raised up one from the east [ imizraḥ /i], whom righteousnessmet wherever he set his foot” (Isaiah 41:2). The latter verse is understood as referring to Abraham, who came from the east, and for that reason he is called Ethan the Ezrahite in the former verse.,The Gemara asks: The ibaraita bcounts Mosesamong the ten elders whose works are included in the book of Psalms, band italso bcounts Heman. But doesn’t Rav say:The bHemanmentioned in the Bible (I Kings 5:11) bisthe same person as bMoses?This is proven by the fact that bit is written here: “Heman”(Psalms 88:1), which is Aramaic for trusted, band it is written thereabout Moses: b“For he is the trusted one in all My house”(Numbers 12:7). The Gemara answers: bThere were two Hemans,one of whom was Moses, and the other a Temple singer from among the descendants of Samuel.,The ibaraitafurther states that bMoses wrote his own book,i.e., the Torah, bthe portion of Balaam, andthe book of bJob. This supports Rabbi Levi bar Laḥma, as Rabbi Levi bar Laḥma says: Joblived bin the time of Moses. It is written herewith regard to Job: b“Oh, that my words were written now [ ieifo /i]”(Job 19:23), band it is written therein Moses’ words to God: b“For in what shall it be known here [ ieifo /i]”(Exodus 33:16). The unusual use of the word ieifoin these two places indicates that Job and Moses lived in the same generation.,The Gemara comments: bButif that is the proof, bsaythat Job lived bin the time of Isaac, as it is writtenin connection with Isaac: b“Who then [ ieifo /i] is he that has taken venison”(Genesis 27:33). bOr saythat he lived bin the time of Jacob, as it is writtenwith respect to Jacob: b“If it must be so now [ ieifo /i], do this”(Genesis 43:11). bOr saythat he lived bin the time of Joseph, as it is writtenwith respect to Joseph: “Tell me, I pray you, bwhere [ ieifo /i] are they feeding their flocks?”(Genesis 37:16).,The Gemara answers: It could bnot enter your mindto say this, bas it is writtenin the continuation of the previously mentioned verse: b“Oh, thatmy words bwere inscribed [ iveyuḥaku /i] in a book”(Job 19:23), band it is Moses who is called the inscriber, as it is writtenwith regard to him: b“And he provided the first part for himself, for there was the inscriber’s [ imeḥokek /i] portion reserved”(Deuteronomy 33:21)., bRava says: Joblived bat the time of the spieswhom Moses sent to scout the land of Canaan. This is proven by the fact that bit is written here: “There was a man in the land of Utz, whose name was Job”(Job 1:1), band it is written therein the account of the spies: b“Whether there are trees [ ieitz /i] in it”(Numbers 13:20). The Gemara asks: bIs it comparable? Herethe word that is used is iUtz /i,whereas btherethe word is ieitz /i.The Gemara answers: bThis is what Moses said to Israel,i.e., to the spies: bIs that mannamed Job still alive, bhe whose years are as long asthe years bof a tree and who protects his generation like a tree?This is why the allusion to him here is through the word ieitz /i, rather than iUtz /i.,The Gemara relates that bone of the Sages sat before Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani and he sat and said: Job never existed and was never created;there was never such a person as Job. bRather,his story bwas a parable.Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani bsaid to him:In rebuttal bto you, the verse states: “There was a man in the Land of Utz whose name was Job”(Job 1:1), which indicates that such a man did indeed exist.,The Gemara asks: bBut if that is so,that the words “there was” prove that Job existed, what shall we say about the parable that Natan the prophet presented to David: “There were two men in one city; the one rich and the other poor. The rich man had very many flocks and herds, bbut the poor man had nothing except one little lamb, which he had bought and reared”(II Samuel 12:3)? bWas therereally such a person? bRather, it was merely a parable; here too it is merely a parable.The Gemara answers: bIf so,that it is a parable, bwhystate bhis name and the name of his city?Rather, Job was clearly a real person.,The Gemara cites another opinion with regard to the time when Job lived. bRabbi Yoḥa and Rabbi Elazar both say: Job was among those who ascended from the exileto Eretz Yisrael at the start of the Second Temple period, band his house of study was in Tiberias.The Gemara braises an objectionfrom what is taught in a ibaraita /i: bThe days of Job’s lifeextended bfrom when Israel entered Egypt until they left,indicating that this is the period during which he lived and not, as suggested, in the early days of the Second Temple. |