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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Gregory Of Nazianzus, Orations, 43.14-43.16

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

4 results
1. Augustine, Confessions, 3.3.5, 3.4.8 (4th cent. CE - 5th cent. CE)

2. Gregory of Nazianzus, Carmina Moralia, 2.1.11 (4th cent. CE - 4th cent. CE)

3. Gregory of Nazianzus, De Vita Sua, 267-271, 256 (4th cent. CE - 4th cent. CE)

4. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orations, 43.13, 43.15-43.17, 43.20-43.21, 43.23-43.25 (4th cent. CE - 4th cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
academy (athens) MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
alexandria MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8, 9; Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
apologist / apologetics Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
armenia / armenians Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 179
asia minor MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9
athens, educational centre Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007) 28, 29
athens Gray, Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous Readers (2021) 4; MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8, 9
augustine, confessiones Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007) 28
augustine, student at carthage Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007) 28, 29
autobiography MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8, 9; Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
basil of caesarea Gray, Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous Readers (2021) 4; MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8, 9; Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007) 28, 29
basil the elder Gray, Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous Readers (2021) 4
bishop Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
bithynia MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9
byzantium Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
caesarea (cappadocia) MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
caesarea (palestine) MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
caesarius (brother of gregory of nazianzus) MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9
cappadocia Gray, Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous Readers (2021) 4; MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9; Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 179
christianity / christians Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 179
city, ‚learning city Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175, 179
city Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
constantinople MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8, 9; Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
crispinus (acquaintance of libanius) MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9
education, philosophical MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
education, rhetorical MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
elite Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
epitaph Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
faith Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 179
family, of gregory and macrina Gray, Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous Readers (2021) 4
friendship, among cappadocians Gray, Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous Readers (2021) 4
funeral oration Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
gregory nazianzus Gray, Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous Readers (2021) 4
gregory of nazianus, education MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
gregory of nazianzus Pollmann and Vessey, Augustine and the Disciplines: From Cassiciacum to Confessions (2007) 28, 29; Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175, 179
gregory the presbyter MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
hagiography MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
heraclea pontica MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9
himerius MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
identity, christian identity Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 179
laudes athenarum Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
libanius MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9
mediterranean, eastern MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8, 9
memory, memorial oration Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
origen MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
pagan / paganism Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175, 179
paideia MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 9; Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175, 179
palestine MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8, 9
paul Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
philosophy MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
prohaeresius MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
rhetoric' MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
rhetoric Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175, 179
school, rhetorical schools Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
school, rivalry between schools Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 179
sophist Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
sophistic MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8
space, mental mapping of space Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175
student, student life Tanaseanu-Döbler and von Alvensleben, Athens II: Athens in Late Antiquity (2020) 175, 179
thespesios MacDougall, Philosophy at the Festival: The Festal Orations of Gregory of Nazianzus and the Classical Tradition (2022) 8