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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Galen, On The Doctrines Of Hippocrates And Plato, 4.6.24-4.6.27

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chrysippus Pezzini and Taylor,Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (2019)" 83
galen Pezzini and Taylor,Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (2019)" 83
nigidius figulus Pezzini and Taylor,Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (2019)" 83
poetry, poets, poetics Pezzini and Taylor,Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (2019)" 83
primary notions prolepseis Pezzini and Taylor,Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (2019)" 83
psychology Pezzini and Taylor,Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (2019)" 83
usage consuetudo, usus' Pezzini and Taylor,Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World (2019)" 83