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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Euripides, Trojan Women, 44-49

γαμεῖ βιαίως σκότιον ̓Αγαμέμνων λέχος.without her knowledge, her daughter Polyxena has died most piteously; Priam is gone, and her children too; Cassandra, whom the lord Apollo left to be a virgin, frenzied maid, has been forced by Agamemnon, in contempt of the god’s ordinance and of piety, to a dishonored wedlock.

ἀλλ', ὦ ποτ' εὐτυχοῦσα, χαῖρέ μοι, πόλιςFarewell, O city once prosperous! farewell, you ramparts of polished stone! if Pallas, daughter of Zeus, had not decreed your ruin, you would be standing firmly still. Athena

ξεστόν τε πύργωμ': εἴ σε μὴ διώλεσενFarewell, O city once prosperous! farewell, you ramparts of polished stone! if Pallas, daughter of Zeus, had not decreed your ruin, you would be standing firmly still. Athena

Παλλὰς Διὸς παῖς, ἦσθ' ἂν ἐν βάθροις ἔτι.Farewell, O city once prosperous! farewell, you ramparts of polished stone! if Pallas, daughter of Zeus, had not decreed your ruin, you would be standing firmly still. Athena

ἔξεστι τὸν γένει μὲν ἄγχιστον πατρὸςMay I address the mighty god whom the gods revere and who to my own father is very near in blood

μέγαν τε δαίμον' ἐν θεοῖς τε τίμιονMay I address the mighty god whom the gods revere and who to my own father is very near in blood

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

12 results
1. Homer, Odyssey, 13.316-13.319 (8th cent. BCE - 7th cent. BCE)

2. Euripides, Andromache, 1232-1272, 1231 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1231. Πηλεῦ, χάριν σοι τῶν πάρος νυμφευμάτων
3. Euripides, Fragments, 13, 16-20, 22, 28-40, 7, 1 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

4. Euripides, Hecuba, 1467-1480, 1440 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

5. Euripides, Hippolytus, 10-14, 1423-1430, 15-19, 2, 20-29, 3, 30-39, 4, 40-49, 5, 50-57, 6-9, 1 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1. Wide o’er man my realm extends, and proud the name that I, the goddess Cypris, bear, both in heaven’s courts and ’mongst all those who dwell within the limits of the sea i.e. the Euxine. and the bounds of Atlas, beholding the sun-god’s light;
6. Euripides, Ion, 1553-1594, 1601-1603, 67-75, 1552 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

7. Euripides, Iphigenia At Aulis, 1463, 1467-1480, 1440 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1440. You wll not lose me; I am saved and you renowned, as far as I can make you. Clytemnestra
8. Euripides, Iphigenia Among The Taurians, 1439, 1441, 1446-1467, 1438 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

9. Euripides, Orestes, 1626-1665, 1625 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1625. Appearing in the clouds. Menelaus, calm your anger that has been whetted; I am Phoebus, the son of Leto, drawing near to call you by name. And you also, Orestes, who are keeping guard on the girl, sword in hand, so that you may hear what I have come to say. Helen, whom all your eagerne
10. Euripides, Trojan Women, 10-19, 2, 20-29, 3, 30-32, 328, 33-39, 4, 40-43, 45-49, 5, 50-59, 6, 60-69, 7, 70-79, 8, 80-89, 9, 90-97, 1 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1. From the depths of salt Aegean floods I, Poseidon, have come, where choirs of Nereids dance in a graceful maze; for since the day that Phoebus and I with exact measurement
11. Menander, Dyscolus, 10-19, 2, 20-29, 3, 30-39, 4, 40-49, 5-9, 1 (4th cent. BCE - 3rd cent. BCE)

12. Chariton, Chaereas And Callirhoe, 3.7.7 (2nd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
aetiology Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
andromache Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
aphrodite Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
apollo Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94; Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322; Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
areopagus, athens Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
artemis, brauronia Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
artemis, tauropolus Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
artemis Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
asclepius Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
athena, polias Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
athena Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94; Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
athens Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
audience Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
brauron Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
cognitive linguistics Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 78
cult Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
dance Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
delphi Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
distribution, of εὐσεβής Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 78
dramaturgy Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
epiphany, passim – meaning, exclusive, epilogue epiphany Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
epiphany, passim – meaning, exclusive, prologue epiphany Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
erechtheus Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
euripides Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
eusebês (and cognates), usage, in context of marriage Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 78
eusebês (and cognates), usage Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 78
fraenkel, e. Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
group identity Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
hermes Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
hippolytus Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
hosios (and cognates), in context of marriage Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
hosios (and cognates), in context of rituals of worship Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
iphigenia Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
medea Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
menander Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
molossian Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
neoptolemus Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
odysseus Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
pan Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
peleus Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
plot, emplotment Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
plot Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
poe, j.p. xxv Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 272
poseidon Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94; Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
praxithea Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
priest(esse)s Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
prophecy, foretelling the future Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
ritual norms Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
sacred laws Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
sexuality, εὐσεβής used in context of Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 78
statue, divine Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
themis Peels, Hosios: A Semantic Study of Greek Piety (2016) 177
thetis Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94; Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322
troizen Lipka, Epiphanies and Dreams in Greek Polytheism: Textual Genres and 'Reality' from Homer to Heliodorus (2021) 94
trojan women (troades) Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 272
zeus' Naiden, Smoke Signals for the Gods: Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods (2013) 322