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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Euripides, Iphigenia Among The Taurians, 1221-1225

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

7 results
1. Euripides, Electra, 1125-1133, 652-656, 1124 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1124. ἤκουσας, οἶμαι, τῶν ἐμῶν λοχευμάτων: 1124. You have heard, I suppose, that I have given birth;
2. Euripides, Iphigenia Among The Taurians, 1218, 1222-1225, 1216 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

3. Euripides, Orestes, 1603-1604, 429-430, 46-50, 512-517, 1602 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1602. You are so well qualified to handle holy water! Oreste
4. Euripides, Phoenician Women, 203, 224, 226-228, 243, 202 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

202. From the Tyrian swell of the sea I came, a choice offering for Loxias from the island of Phoenicia
5. Euripides, Suppliant Women, 212, 211 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

6. Varro, On Agriculture, 2.4.16 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

7. Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters, 2.8, 2.10, 3.12, 6.2 (5th cent. CE - 5th cent. CE)

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