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Euripides, Electra, 1125-1133

τούτων ὕπερ μοι θῦσον — οὐ γὰρ οἶδ' ἐγώ —in thanks for this, please sacrifice—for I do not know how—on the tenth day, as is the custom for the child. For I have no experience, being childless before. Clytemnestra

δεκάτῃ σελήνῃ παιδὸς ὡς νομίζεται:in thanks for this, please sacrifice—for I do not know how—on the tenth day, as is the custom for the child. For I have no experience, being childless before. Clytemnestra

τρίβων γὰρ οὐκ εἴμ', ἄτοκος οὖς' ἐν τῷ πάρος.in thanks for this, please sacrifice—for I do not know how—on the tenth day, as is the custom for the child. For I have no experience, being childless before. Clytemnestra

ἄλλης τόδ' ἔργον, ἥ ς' ἔλυσεν ἐκ τόκων.This is work for another, the one who delivered you. Electra

αὐτὴ 'λόχευον κἄτεκον μόνη βρέφος.I was all alone in my labor and at the baby’s birth. Clytemnestra

οὕτως ἀγείτων οἶκος ἵδρυται φίλων;Is this household situated with no friends as neighbors? Electra

πένητας οὐδεὶς βούλεται κτᾶσθαι φίλους.No one is willing to have the poor as friends. Clytemnestra

ἀλλ' εἶμι, παιδὸς ἀριθμὸν ὡς τελεσφόρονBut I will go to make the tenth-day sacrifice to the gods for the child; and when I have done you this favor, I will go to the field where my husband is sacrificing to the

θύσω θεοῖσι: σοὶ δ' ὅταν πράξω χάρινBut I will go to make the tenth-day sacrifice to the gods for the child; and when I have done you this favor, I will go to the field where my husband is sacrificing to the

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

12 results
1. Aeschylus, Agamemnon, 1037, 228-247, 1036 (6th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1036. ἐπεί σʼ ἔθηκε Ζεὺς ἀμηνίτως δόμοις 1036. Since Zeus — not angrily—in household placed thee
2. Euripides, Andromache, 1101-1113, 1100 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1100. ἡμεῖς δὲ μῆλα, φυλλάδος Παρνασίας
3. Euripides, Electra, 1001-1010, 1024-1029, 1032, 1035, 1055-1059, 1064, 1071-1073, 1097, 1107, 1118-1119, 1124, 1126-1133, 1178-1184, 1190-1205, 1207-1226, 652-656, 783-789, 792-794, 985-987, 998-1000 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

4. Euripides, Hecuba, 252-295, 251 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

5. Euripides, Hippolytus, 1026-1031, 1055-1059, 1191, 1286-1289, 1298-1300, 1305-1324, 1415, 611-612, 657-658, 887-890, 971-972, 1025 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1025. Now by Zeus, the god of oaths, and by the earth, whereon we stand, I swear to thee I never did lay hand upon thy wife nor would have wished to, or have harboured such a thought Slay me, ye gods! rob me of name and honour, from home and city cast me forth, a wandering exile o’er the earth!
6. Euripides, Ion, 1123-1128, 1132, 1168, 226-229, 665, 1122 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1122. Soon as Xuthus, husband of Creusa, had left the god’s prophetic shrine, taking with him his new-found son, to hold the feast and sacrifice that he designed to offer to the gods
7. Euripides, Iphigenia Among The Taurians, 1218, 1221-1225, 1216 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

8. Euripides, Medea, 346-347, 475, 515, 522, 546, 324 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

9. Euripides, Orestes, 1603-1604, 429-430, 46-50, 512-517, 1602 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1602. You are so well qualified to handle holy water! Oreste
10. Euripides, Phoenician Women, 174, 202-203, 224, 226-228, 243, 468-472, 481-495, 499-503, 524-525, 173 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

173. That, lady, is the prophet Amphiaraus; with him are the victims, earth’s bloodthirsty streams. Antigone
11. Euripides, Suppliant Women, 164, 176-179, 188-189, 211-212, 163 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

12. Euripides, Trojan Women, 1001-1059, 860-1000 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1000. did you ever raise, though Castor was still alive, a vigorous youth, and his brother also, not yet among the stars? Then when you had come to Troy , and the Argives were on your track, and the mortal combat had begun, whenever tidings came to you of

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
agamemnon Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231
agôn/-es Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578
andromache Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822, 829
apollo Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
appearance vs. reality Meinel, Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy (2015) 142
aristotle, poetics Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578
characters Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578
children of heracles (heraclidae) Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
curses Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 829
delphi Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822, 829
draco, feigning pollution Meinel, Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy (2015) 142
dyssebeia Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231
electra Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578, 822, 829
hecuba (hecabe) Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578, 822
helen Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
hiketeia Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
hippolytus Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578, 822
ion Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 829
iphigenia in tauris Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
matricide, and exile of the matricides Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231
medea Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
oaths Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 829
orestes, purified Meinel, Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy (2015) 142
orestes Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822; Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231
osullivan, p. Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578
paian Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
phren/phrenes, seat of purity/impurity, in euripides electra Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231
phronein hosia, in euripides electra Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231
pollution, external Meinel, Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy (2015) 142
rehm, r. xxv Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822, 829
rhetoric Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578
rhêsis/eis Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578
ritual Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822, 829
sacrifice Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 829
suppliant women (supplices) Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
supplication, in euripides electra' Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231
theôria Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
trojan women (troades) Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 578
tropaion Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822
zeus Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 822; Petrovic and Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion (2016) 231