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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Euripides, Bacchae, 180

ἥκω δʼ ἕτοιμος τήνδʼ ἔχων σκευὴν θεοῦ·I have come prepared with this equipment of the god. For we must extol him, the child of my daughter, Dionysus, who has appeared as a god to men as much as is in our power. Where must I dance, where set my feet

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

20 results
1. Euripides, Andromache, 167, 166 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

166. σαίρειν τε δῶμα τοὐμὸν ἐκ χρυσηλάτων
2. Euripides, Bacchae, 1034, 11, 1167, 129, 1338-1339, 141, 151, 157, 170-179, 181-219, 22, 220-239, 24, 240-339, 34, 340-369, 395-397, 566, 579, 608, 641-656, 67, 689, 791, 862, 992-996, 10 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

10. αἰνῶ δὲ Κάδμον, ἄβατον ὃς πέδον τόδε 10. I praise Kadmos, who has made this place hallowed, the shrine of his daughter; and I have covered it all around with the cluster-bearing leaf of the vine.I have left the wealthy lands of the Lydians and Phrygians, the sun-parched plains of the Persians
3. Euripides, Cretes (Fragmenta Papyracea), 472 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

4. Euripides, Electra, 404-405, 190 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

5. Euripides, Hecuba, 1115, 1114 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

6. Euripides, Helen, 1227-1228, 132, 1358-1362, 1365, 138, 160-161, 327, 73, 118 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

118. ὥσπερ γε σέ, οὐδὲν ἧσσον, ὀφθαλμοῖς ὁρῶ. 118. I saw her with my own eyes, just as I see you, no less. Helen
7. Euripides, Hercules Furens, 782 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

8. Euripides, Ion, 103-111, 136-140, 150, 94-97, 102 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

9. Euripides, Iphigenia At Aulis, 1139 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

10. Euripides, Phoenician Women, 1540-1545, 302-303, 1539 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

1539. Why, daughter
11. Lysias, Orations, 6.10 (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

12. Sophocles, Antigone, 455-457, 454 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

13. Sophocles, Electra, 920 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

14. Sophocles, Oedipus At Colonus, 891 (5th cent. BCE - 5th cent. BCE)

15. Thucydides, The History of The Peloponnesian War, 3.82 (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

16. Xenophon, Memoirs, 4.4.19 (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

4.4.19. Do you know what is meant by unwritten laws, Hippias? Yes, those that are uniformly observed in every country. Could you say that men made them? Nay, how could that be, seeing that they cannot all meet together and do not speak the same language? Then by whom have these laws been made, do you suppose? I think that the gods made these laws for men. For among all men the first law is to fear the gods.
17. New Testament, 1 Corinthians, 1.24 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

1.24. but to thosewho are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God andthe wisdom of God.
18. New Testament, John, 15.1 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

15.1. I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer.
19. New Testament, Matthew, 26.26-26.28 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

26.26. As they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks for it, and broke it. He gave to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body. 26.27. He took the cup, gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, "All of you drink it 26.28. for this is my blood of the new covet, which is poured out for many for the remission of sins.
20. Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation To The Greeks, 12.119-12.120 (2nd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
agamemnon, suppliants Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
alcestis Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 925
andromache Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 925
aphrodite Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 178
bacchae Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850
bacchic Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850
cadmus Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 177, 178, 179, 180
characters, minor Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 925
chorus (male, female), of e. bacchae Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 177
colloquialisms Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 177
concepts/values/beliefs Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 178, 179, 180
context/environment/milieu, socio-cultural, ideological Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174
cult-establishment/foundation Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
cult/ritual/worship Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 175, 178, 179, 180
cyclops Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
delphi Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
demeter Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850
dionyso(u)s Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850, 925
electra Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
eleusis Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850
euripides, bacchae Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 177, 178, 179
euripides, exodos (missing part/lacuna) of Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
euripides Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 179, 180
genitives of exclamations Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 177
hecuba (hecabe) Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 925
helen Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850, 925
hypsipyle Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
hēsychia/calm life/quietism Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 179
initiands/initiates/initiation Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174
ion Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
jesus christ, and dionysus Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 175, 179
jesus christ, as sophos (wise) Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 179
jesus christ Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 175, 179
joseph of arimathea Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 179
judas Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 177
justice (δίκη)/retribution (divine) Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
knox, b.m.w. Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
kyriakou, p. xxii Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 925
lloyd, m. Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
lloyd, michael Pucci, Euripides' Revolution Under Cover: An Essay (2016) 144
makarismos Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 175
mystery Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174
mystic initiation Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174
mystical religion Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850
nicodemus Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
oikeia pragmata Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
orestes Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
paul st. Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 175
pentheus Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 177, 178, 179
philia (friendship) Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
realism Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 612
reception, of concepts and ideas Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180
redemption Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 175, 179
refiguration Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
replacement/substitution of names Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 175, 177
resemblances, reception Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180
resemblances Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 175, 180
segal, c. p. Pucci, Euripides' Revolution Under Cover: An Essay (2016) 144
semele Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
semenzato, c. Markantonatos, Brill's Companion to Euripides (2015) 850
sophia/sophos (wisdom) Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 178, 179, 180
sophia and philia Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
sophism of teiresias in bacchae' Pucci, Euripides' Revolution Under Cover: An Essay (2016) 144
style Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 177
suppliant women bacchae compared Pucci, Euripides' Revolution Under Cover: An Essay (2016) 144
sōphrosynē/sōphrōn Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 178, 179
taplin, oliver Pucci, Euripides' Revolution Under Cover: An Essay (2016) 144
teiresias Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 177, 178, 179, 180
thebes Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
theologos (iohannes) Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 179, 180
theotokos (mother of god), and the chorus Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174
theotokos (mother of god) Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 175
variations Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174, 179
xxii, dramatis personae (characters) Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 180
zeus Xanthaki-Karamanou, 'Dionysiac' Dialogues: Euripides' 'Bacchae', Aeschylus and 'Christus Patiens' (2022) 174