nan | Face A (front) The ephebes of Kekropis in the archonship of [Nikokrates] (333/2) and their controller (sōphronistēs) Perikles son of Perikleides of PithosVII dedicated (this) having crowned with a gold crown for their excellence (aretēs) and care (epimeleias) towards themselves: the general in charge of Piraeus Konon son of Timotheos of AnaphlystosX (5) and the (general) in charge of the countryside (epi tēi chōrai) Sophilos son of Aristoteles of PhyleVI and their controller (sōphronistēn) Perikles son of Perikleides of PithosVII and their infantry commander (taxiarchon) Synboulos son of Euboulos of PhlyaVII and their captains (lochagous) Thrasippos son of Phrynaios of AthmononVII, Euboulos son of Euboulos of PhlyaVII, Epikrates son of Archedemos of PithosVII, Atarbion son of Tynnios of AixoneVII, Stephanos son of Aisimides of HalaiVII, Aristomachos (10) son of Demochares of MeliteVII, Simon son of Theokles of AthmononVII and their instructors (didaskalous) Chairestratos of PalleneX, Agathanor of Syracuse. col. 1 Of Pithos Epikrates son of Archedemos Archias son of Thrasyllos (15) Apollophon son of Apollophanes Euphranor son of Euthydikos Archinos son of Pantakles -archos son of Biottos Of Athmonon (20) Thrasippos son of Phrynaios Simon son of Theokles -tratos son of Mnesimachos – son of Lykiskos . . . col. 2 (25) Of Aixone Atarbion son of Tynnios Kallias son of Deinokrates Polykrates son of Phanias Demetrios son of Eukles (30) Kleostratos son of Kle(o)phantos Diphilos son of Nausichares Phileratos son of Panaristos Of Xypete Timostratos son of Menon (35) Hegias son of Agapaios Chionides son of Eriotos . . . col. 3 Menekles son of Menon Of Trinemeia (40) Thougenes son of Philokles Of Phlya Synboulos son of Euboulos Euboulos son of Euboulos Phaidrias son of Rhodon (45) Philodemos son of Nikomachos Pheidostratos son of Ameinokles Timonides son of Athenokles Archedikos son of Archedikos Of Melite (50) Aristomachos son of Demochares Euthydomos son of Epikrates . . . . . . col. 4 Of Halai (55) Stephanos son of Aisimides Sokrates son of Sthenokrates Stesarchos son of Nikomachos Hedylos son of Dryon Bryon son of Dryon (60) Aresias son of Atarbides Sosikrates son of Sosippos Epigonos son of Diodoros Euboulos son of Philokles Epikrates son of Semiades (65) N-os son of Hierophon Kalliades son of Kallias Philostratos son of Nikoboulos Sokrates son of Eukrates Euthemon son of Eukles (70) Lysis son of Tim- Kallistratos son of – . . . Face B (right) col. 1 The People col. 2 The Council col. 3 The Tribe col. 1 (75) The Eleusinians col. 2 The Rhamnousians. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.107 - Dedication by ephebes of Kekropis, 333/2 BC , . . . Arches[tratos son of – of –] Archonides [son of Naukrates] of Kerameis Chairestratos son of Philagros of Kephisia Herakleitos son of Charikles of Kydathenaion (5) Herodes son of Asklepi(a)des of Halai Peitholaos son of Thrasymachos of Aixone Menodoros son of Antipatros of Laodikeia Satyros son of Philonides of Erchia Dieuches son of Charmantides of Myrrhinous (10) Philistides son of Diodoros of Kydathenaion Sotimos son of Basileides of Alopeke Aristokritos son of Xanthippos of Sounion Androkles son of Philistion of Ptelea Charikles son of Theogenes of Leukonoion (15) Demetrios son of Alexandros of Krioa -ikles son of Eukleides of Pallene -mogenes son of Demokles of Pithos Antiochos son of Prostates of Berytos Sosigenes son of Sosigenes of Hybadai. (20) And they have also crowned their instructor (didaskalon). In crown . . . text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.109 - Dedication by pre-ephebes (mellepheboi) (?) , Marker of the precinct of Artemis Amarysia. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.125 - Boundary marker of precinct of Artemis Amarysia at Athmonon , Euxitheos son of Philoxenides of Kephisia, having been elected by the People for a second time as general in charge of the coastal countryside, dedicated (this) to Demeter and Kore. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.135 - Dedication by the general Euxitheos of Kephisia at Rhamnous to Demeter and Kore , col. 1 . . . the foreign residents (paroikoi) (?) dedicated (this) col. 2 . . . soldiers and A- text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.136 - Dedication by foreign residents (?) and soldiers at Rhamnous , . . . epheb- . . . . . . of . . . uninscribed text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.139 - Dedication by ephebes , Phormisios son of Menekleides of Thymaitadai, serving as sponsor (chorēgōn), was victorious for Hippothontis (and) Aiantis in the men's competition, Diophon of Athens was director (edidaske), Kallikles of Tegea was pipe-player. Pytheas (380/79) was archon. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.141 - Choregic dedication of Phormisios for the Thargelia, 380/79 BC , The soldiers [dedicated (this)], having crowned the general [and] the patrol commander (peripolarchon) for their excellence (aretēs) and [justice (dikaiosunēs)]. col. 1 In olive crown General Deinokrates (5) son of Kleombrotos of Acharnai col. 2 In olive crown Patrol commander (peripolarchos) Telesippos son of Straton (10) of Kephisia. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.148 - Dedication by the soldiers at Rhamnous for a general and a patrol commander , [The soldiers dedicated (this), having crowned the general] [Megakles and] the patrol commander (peripolarchon) Cha[risandros for their] [excellence (aretēs) and] justice (dikaosunēs). In the archonship of Th[eophrastos ? (340/39)] col. 1 [In crown] [General] (5) [Megakles] [son of Demeas] [of Thria] col. 2 [In crown] [Patrol commander (peripolarchos)] [Charisandros] (10) [son of Theopompos] [of Otryne] text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.149 - Dedication by soldiers at Rhamnous honouring a general and a patrol commander, 340/39 BC (?) , The soldiers dedicated (this), having crowned [the general] [and] the patrol commander (peripolarchon) for their excellence (aretēs) [and justice (dikaiosunēs)] and the manager (epimelētēn), in the archonship of Chairondas (338/7) col. 1 In olive crown General (5) Deinokrates son of Kleombrotos of Acharnai col. 2 In olive crown [Patrol commander (peripolarchos)] . . . (10) . . . . . . col. 3 [In crown] [Manager (epimelētēs)] . . . . . . (15) . . . text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.150 - Dedication by the soldiers at Rhamnous for a general, patrol commander, and manager, 338/7 BC , - of Pithos, having been elected general in charge of Rhamnous and the coastal countryside in the year of the archonship of Demochares (108/7), dedicated (this) to Zeus Soter and Athena Soteira. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.162 - Lampadedromia dedication , . . . [having been general in the archonship of -?] . . . . . . (dedicated this) to Zeus Soter [and Athena Soteira] . . . text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.164 - Dedication of a weighing table , - son of -lotos of A-, [having been elected] in charge of Rhamnous and the coast in the year of the archonship of Prokles (99/8) dedicated this to Zeus Soter and Athena Soteira. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.165 - Lampadedromia Dedication, 99/8 BC , Relief The treasurer and the managers (epimelētai) and the secretary in the archonship of Hegemachos (300/299) dedicated (this) to Pankrates having been crowned by the (5) friendly society (eranistōn) for their excellence and justice concerning the friendly society. In olive crown Treasurer: Mys Managers: Dionysodoros of Miletos (10) Eunostos of Thebes Demophilos of Herakleia Dionysios Secretary: Konon of Herakleia. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.171 - Dedication to Pankrates by officials of a friendly society (eranistai) , For good fortune, in the archonship of Theophemos (61/0 BC), Pythagoras and Sosikrates and Lysandros, (5) fellow ephebes, dedicated (this) to Pan and the Nymphs. These things the god forbids: to bring in a coloured or dyed or . . . (10) traces text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.174 - Dedication of a ritual regulation by ephebes, 61/0 BC , . . . having been . . . by . . . text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.177 - Bench dedicated by a general (?) , The People decided: [those who hold an allotment (klerochos)] at Salamis shall be permitted to (?) reside on Salamis . . . at [Athens] they shall pay taxes and do military service; their [(property) at Salamis] they shall not lease, if not . . . ; but if (5)anyone leases, fined [shall be the tenant and the] landlord, each of them . . . to the public treasury (demosion); the archon [shall exact the fine], but if (he) [does not, he shall be called to account (euthunesthai)] . . . shall provide weapons . . . (10)thirty [drachmas?] . . . the archon shall . . . in the Council (?) . . . text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.2 - Decree about the Athenian [Cleruchy] on Salamis , Relief The treasurer and the managers (epimelētai) and the secretary in the archonship of Hegemachos (300/299) dedicated (this) to Pankrates having been crowned by the (5) friendly society (eranistōn) for their excellence and justice concerning the friendly society. In olive crown Treasurer: Mys Managers: Dionysodoros of Miletos (10) Eunostos of Thebes Demophilos of Herakleia Dionysios Secretary: Konon of Herakleia. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.247E - Dedication to Pankrates by officials of a friendly society (eranistai) , Literary version (Plut. Lives of the Ten Orators 852) (851f) Lykophron son of Lykourgos of Boutadai made a claim to meals (sitēsin) in the city hall (prutaneiōi) according to the grant awarded (852a) by the People to Lykourgos of Boutadai: In the archonship of Anaxikrates (307/6), in the sixth prytany, of Antiochis.[12] Stratokles son of Euthydemos of Diomeia proposed: since Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai, having inherited from his own ancestors of old the good-will (eunoian) of his house (oikeian) towards the People [...?], and Lykourgos’ ancestors, Lykomedes, and Lykourgos, both while living were honoured by the People, and on their deaths the People granted them public burial (dēmosias taphas) in the Kerameikos on account of their manly virtue (andragathian), and Lykourgos himself (852b) as a politician (politeuomenos) established (ethēke) many fine laws for the fatherland, and became treasurer of the public revenue (koinēs prosodou) for the city for three quadrennia, and distributed from the public revenue eighteen thousand nine hundred talents, and received many loans from private individuals, and advanced (prodaneisas) for the purposes of the city and of the People in all six hundred and fifty talents;[11] and having been deemed to have administered (diōikēkenai) all these things justly, he was crowned many times by the city; and moreover, having been chosen by the People, he gathered much money (chrēmata) on the acropolis, and prepared adornment (kosmon) for the goddess and solid gold statues of Victory (Nikas) and gold and silver processional vessels (pompeia) and golden adornment (kosmon) (852c) for a hundred basket-bearers, and having been elected to be in charge of preparations for war, he brought up to the acropolis many armaments (hopla) and fifty thousand missiles, and prepared (kateskeuase) four hundred seaworthy triremes, repairing (episkeuasas) some and building (naupēgēsamenos) others from scratch; and in addition to this taking over the shipsheds and the arsenal and the Dionysiac theatre[10] half-built (hēmierga) he finished (exeirgasato) them, and completed (epetelese) the Panathenaic stadium, and built (kateskeuase) the gymnasium at the Lykeion, and adorned (ekosmēse) the city with many other structures (kataskeuais); and when Alexander the king (852d) had subdued the whole of Asia and thought it right (axiountos) to marshal (epitattein) all the Greeks in common cause (koinēi), and demanded Lykourgos for having opposed him, the People did not give him up for fear of Alexander; and among the politicians he rendered his accounts (euthunas) many times in a free and democratic (dēmokratoumenēi) city and throughout he remained unimpeachable and incorruptible; so that everyone may know that those who choose to engage justly in politics (politeuesthai) on behalf of democracy and freedom will be valued highly while alive and, when dead, will be rewarded by favours commemorated forever (charitas aeimnēstous), (852e) for good fortune, the People shall decide, to praise Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai for his excellence and justice, and the People shall erect a bronze statue of him in the agora, except anywhere where the law forbids it to be erected; and the eldest of Lykourgos’ descendants at any time shall be awarded dining rights (sitesin) in the city hall (prutaneiōi) forever; and the secretary of the People shall set up (anatheinai) for him (?) (autōi? peri autou?), and there shall be valid, all the decrees, on stone stelai and erect them on the acropolis near the dedications; and the treasurer of the People shall give for inscribing the stelai fifty drachmas from the People’s fund for expenditure on decrees. Inscribed version Fragment a In the archonship of Anaxikrates (307/6). The People decided. Stratokles son of Euthydemos of Diomeia proposed: since Lykourgos son of Lykophron of Boutadai, having inherited from his own ancestors of old the good-will (eunoian) of his house (oikeian) towards the People, (5) . . . . . . (10) . . . . . . . . . Uncertain number of lines missing Fragment b . . . . . . arriving . . . [in the city's harbours?] [might witness?] the [city] . . . [and?] adorned [with buildings?] worthy of its existing (5) [reputation], constructed (exōikodomēsen) [the ship-sheds], and completed work (exērgasato) on the arsenal and the Dionysiac theatre[10] and [built or reconstructed or refitted (kateskeuasen or epeskeuasen)] the Panathenaic [stadium] and the gymnasium [at the Lykeion] and [adorned] the whole city with many other [structures (kataskeuais)]; and when the Greeks were beset (10) by great fears and dangers when Alexander [overpowered Thebes or them] and conquered (katastrepsamenōi) the whole of Asia and the other parts [of the inhabited world (tēs oikoumenēs)?], he continued implacably to oppose him on behalf of the People and showed himself [unimpeachable (anexelenkton)] on behalf of the fatherland and the (15) [preservation of all the Greeks] throughout his life, and contending (agōnizomenos) for the freedom and autonomy of the city [by every means], on account of which when [Alexander] demanded [him], the People refused to comply . . . the demand and at the same time in the other (?) (ham' en tois allois) (20) . . . [in which] Lykourgos had a share (hōn meteschen Lykourgōi), . . . the excuse (?) (apologian) . . . and having rendered his accounts many times . . . the matters of his financial administration (diōikēmen-) [in a free?] [and democratic?] city . . . . . . Fragment c col. 1 Crown 1 . . . . . . of Myrrhinous proposed. Crown 2 . . . (5) . . . . . . proposed. Crown 3 . . . . . . . . . Crown 4 (10) . . . . . . . . . proposed. col. 2 Crown 5 The Council. Demeas of Sphettos (15) proposed. Crown 6 The Council. Diophanes of Kephisia proposed. Crown 7 The Council. (20) Ktesikles of Bate proposed. Crown 8 The tribesmen. Telemachos of Acharnai proposed. col. 3 Crown 9 (25) The Council. Theomenes of Oe proposed. Crown 10 The People. Theomenes (30) of Oe proposed. Crown 11 The People in Samos. Epiktetos of Epikephisia proposed. Crown 12 The People in Lemnos. (35) Timodemos of Acharnai proposed. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.48 - Decree honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai , -oros son of Xanthias of Themakos, having been elected general in charge of Rhamnous and the coastal countryside in the year of the archonship of Medeios (101/0), dedicated (this) to Zeus Soter and Athena Soteira and Themis and Nemesis. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.63 - Lampadedromia dedication, 101/0 BC , Aphthonetos [son of Aphthonetos of Rhamnous proposed]: Since Apollodoros [having been elected general?] has continued to be well-disposed [both individually and collectively] to the People at [every opportunity] (and (5) the People [crowned him when it accorded fitting recognition] to the elected [generals?]), on account of which the Council crowned him many times with gold crowns; and he continues also to be of service individually as regards what (10) any of the citizens may ask him; and now when the citizens stationed in Rhamnous wrote to him about a place which belonged to him, wishing to buy it for the construction of a sanctuary of Sarapis and (15) Isis, and he was unwilling to sell it, but donated it free of charge, placing the highest value on piety towards the gods and good-will and love of honour towards fellow citizens; so that the Sarapiastai may also be seen to (20) render thanks to those who display love of honour towards themselves, for good fortune, the society of Sarapiastai shall decide to praise and crown with a gold crown Apollodoros son of Sogenes of Otryne (25) for his piety towards the gods and love of honour towards themselves; and the religious officials who are responsible for the liturgy shall invite him to the sacrifices; and to inscribe the decree on a stone stele and stand it in front of the (30) entrance to the temple; and to choose from among themselves six men who will arrange for the inscribing of the decree and the setting up of the stele; and they shall submit an account of the expenses arising to the society. The following were chosen: (35) Demokles of Eupyridai, Antiphanes of Oion, Kleodorides of Rhamnous, Bion of Phrearrhioi, Aphthonetos of Rhamnous, Philokles of Erchia. In crown The society of the Sarapiastai (crowned) (40) Apollodoros son of Sogenes of Otryne text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.74 - Decree of Sarapiastai at Rhamnous , Elpinikos son of Mnesippos of Rhamnous proposed: since Antigonos the king, and saviour of the People, continues to be a benefactor of the Athenian People and (5) because of this the People honoured him with honours on a par with the gods (timais isotheois), for good fortune, the Rhamnousians shall decide: to sacrifice to him on the nineteenth of Hekatombaion, at the gymnastic competition of the great Nemesia, (10) and to wear crowns (stephanēphorein), and the market tax (agorastikon) shall provide the means for the demesmen to make this sacrifice; the demarch and whoever is appointed treasurer shall take care of the sacrifice; (15) and (they) shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and stand it [by the altar?] of king Antigonos . . . . . . . . . . . . text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.75 - Rhamnous awards divine honours to king Antigonos , Gods. Hirophanes proposed: since [Neopto]lemos son of A[ntikles of Melite] manages the rites well and (5) with love of honour (philotimōs) and piously and adorned (ekosmēsen) beautifully the sanctuary of Plouton, to praise him and crown him with a myrtle crown for his piety and love of honour (philotimias), (10) and to allot him a portion (merida) from the Greater Mysteries and those in Agrai as large as that for each of the Eumolpidai, since he is devoted (spoudaios) to the sanctuary and the genos of the (15) Eumolpidai; and to inscribe the decree on a stone stele . . . . . . text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.81 - Decree of the Eumolpidai honouring Neoptolemos of Melite , The citizen soldiers serving in Rhamnous decided. Theochares son of Chairias of Leukonoion proposed: since Thoukritos elected by the People as general in charge of the coastal countryside in the archonship of Kallimedes (252/1) (5) has managed both the guarding of the fort and those serving as soldiers in Rhamnous well and justly according to the decrees of the People, and has continued to be of service collectively and individually to each in whatever way they ask him; and he provided (10) sufficient grain for the guard, purchasing it from his own resources; and he set up a meeting place (sunedrion) by the headquarters (stratēgion); and he constructed a gateway (pulōrion) and gates from his own resources, demonstrating the good will which he continues to have for the People and for the serving (15) citizen soldiers, for good fortune, the serving citizen soldiers at Rhamnous shall decide: to praise Thoukritos son of Alkimachos of Myrrhinous and crown him with a gold crown according to the law for the excellence and good will which he continues to have for the People and for those serving in Rhamnous; and having painted (20) his portrait they shall set it up in the Nemesion; and they shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele and stand it before the gate; and they shall choose three men from the soldiers who will manage the setting up of the stele and the painting; and for the inscription (25) and the stele and the painting those chosen are to account to the soldiers for whatever expenditure accrues. The following were chosen: Theochares son of Chairias of Leukonoion, Demophilos son of Phanokrates of Rhamnous, Sonautes son of Teisis of Phaleron. In crown (30) Those of the Athenians serving as soldiers at Rhamnous (crown) Thoukritos son of Alkimachos of Myrrhinous. text from Attic Inscriptions Online, SEG 41.86 - Athenian soldiers serving at Rhamnous honour their general |