ambassador, to macedonians/n. greece |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 893, 949 |
amphiaraia |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 877, 1034 |
amynos |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1034 |
amyzon |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
apollo |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 917 |
apollodoros son of pasion, lawsuits |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 877 |
archegetes |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
archêgetês |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
aristophanes |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 892 |
asklepios |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1034 |
benefactors, citizens as |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
boundary, deme, state |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1034 |
burial, calendar |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
burial, deme festival |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
cavalry, prosopography |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 893 |
choregos, dedications |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 892 |
crown, deme |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
crown, multiple |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
crowns, gold crowns |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
crowns, olive crowns |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
delos, theoria |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 917 |
deme, assembly |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 917 |
deme, finances |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
demes, athenian, and euergetism |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
demes, athenian, benefactors in |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
demes, athenian |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
demetrios poliorketes |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 893 |
dionysia, rural |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
dionysos, dedications |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
doctor |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 892, 949 |
eleusis |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
ephebe |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1034, 1119 |
epimelêtai |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
eudemus of plataia |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
euergetês, euergetai, title |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
euergetês, euergetai |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
garrison |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119, 1162 |
gauthier, philippe |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
genealogy, stele |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 877 |
gymnasiarch |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 893 |
hanisa |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
herakleidai |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 893, 917 |
herakles, in demes |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
hermokopidai |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 892 |
hierophant |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
hipparch |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 948 |
istrus |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
kleon and descendants |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 282 |
kleruch, samos |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 893, 948, 949 |
kleruch |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119, 1217 |
lease, deme |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 917, 1162 |
lissa |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
loan, deme |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
lochagos, ephebic |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 893 |
mining |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 877 |
misgolas |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1217 |
mysteries, parody of |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 892 |
name |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 282 |
nikias, descendants |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 877 |
old age |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 895, 1217 |
oligarchy, the thirty |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 901, 949 |
peisistratos, ancestry |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 282 |
perikles, kin |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 282 |
perikles, sons |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 948, 949 |
peripolos |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
phratriai |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
phratry, and deme |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 901 |
phylai |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
phylarch |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 917 |
praxiergidai |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 901 |
priestess, city |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 282 |
proedria |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
property |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 949 |
proxenia, proxenoi, and euergesia |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
proxenia, proxenoi |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
public praise |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
pythais, classical |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 877 |
quarry |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
rhamnous |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
rhinon of paiania |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 901 |
salamis |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 949 |
scattered landholdings |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 892 |
sophokles |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1217 |
sparta, and athens, institutions |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 282 |
taxation |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
taxiarch |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 917 |
temenos |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1162 |
tetrapolis |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 895 |
theatre, deme |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119, 1162 |
thebes |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1119 |
themistokles, deme |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 948, 949 |
tyrant |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 282 |
veyne, paul |
Gygax, Benefaction and Rewards in the Ancient Greek City: The Origins of Euergetism (2016) 231 |
woolworker' |
Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1034 |