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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Epictetus, Discourses, 1.9.4

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

10 results
1. Plato, Protagoras, 322a (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

322a. that man gets facility for his livelihood, but Prometheus, through Epimetheus’ fault, later on (the story goes) stood his trial for theft. Soc.
2. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 1111b (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

3. Posidonius Apamensis Et Rhodius, Fragments, 14 (2nd cent. BCE - 1st cent. BCE)

4. Epictetus, Discourses, 1.1, 1.1.6, 1.3.1-1.3.3, 1.6, 1.6.12-1.6.22, 1.9.1, 1.9.5-1.9.7, 1.9.11, 1.9.13, 1.9.16-1.9.17, 1.12.24, 1.13.3-1.13.4, 1.14-1.15, 1.18.2-1.18.7, 1.18.9, 1.18.11, 1.19.11-1.19.15, 1.20.11, 1.22.18, 1.28.4-1.28.5, 1.28.7-1.28.9, 1.28.20, 1.28.33, 1.29.1, 1.29.3, 1.29.7-1.29.9, 1.29.11-1.29.12, 1.29.29, 2.2.3, 2.2.21, 2.2.25-2.2.26, 2.5.4-2.5.8, 2.8.1-2.8.8, 2.8.10-2.8.14, 2.9.1-2.9.6, 2.10.3-2.10.6, 2.14.7, 2.16.33, 2.16.42, 2.16.44, 2.19.26-2.19.27, 2.22.15, 2.23.3, 2.23.42, 3.3.10, 3.12.11, 3.22.69, 3.22.82, 3.24.11, 3.24.15-3.24.16, 3.24.22-3.24.24, 4.1.56, 4.1.62, 4.1.68, 4.1.98-4.1.100, 4.4.33, 4.7.7-4.7.11, 4.7.20, 4.10.3, 4.12.7-4.12.8, 4.12.15 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

5. Epictetus, Enchiridion, 1.3 (1st cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

6. Musonius Rufus, Fragments, 40, 9, 38 (1st cent. CE - 1st cent. CE)

7. Gellius, Attic Nights, 19.1.19-19.1.20 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

8. Marcus Aurelius Emperor of Rome, Meditations, 2.9, 2.16.1, 4.4, 8.2 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

9. Diogenes Laertius, Lives of The Philosophers, 7.138 (3rd cent. CE - 3rd cent. CE)

7.138. Again, they give the name of cosmos to the orderly arrangement of the heavenly bodies in itself as such; and (3) in the third place to that whole of which these two are parts. Again, the cosmos is defined as the individual being qualifying the whole of substance, or, in the words of Posidonius in his elementary treatise on Celestial Phenomena, a system made up of heaven and earth and the natures in them, or, again, as a system constituted by gods and men and all things created for their sake. By heaven is meant the extreme circumference or ring in which the deity has his seat.The world, in their view, is ordered by reason and providence: so says Chrysippus in the fifth book of his treatise On Providence and Posidonius in his work On the Gods, book iii. – inasmuch as reason pervades every part of it, just as does the soul in us. Only there is a difference of degree; in some parts there is more of it, in others less.
10. Stoic School, Stoicor. Veter. Fragm., 2.528

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
animals, rational/non-rational Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
animals (general) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
apospasma Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
appearance (phantasia, impression) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
asklepios Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
assent (sunkatathesis) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
autexousion (my own) Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
bultmann, r. Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
caesars, roman Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 112
choice (hairesis) / choosing (haireisthai) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
city (polis) / citizen Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
community, community formation Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 33
cosmopolitanism Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 111, 119, 121
cosmos, cosmology Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
dion of prousa Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
epictetus, and the new testament Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
epictetus Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237; Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288; Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
epiktetos Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97, 111, 112, 136, 149
exemplum / exempla Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014) 296
false belief / false judgment / false opinion Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
family, divinity as father Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
foolishness (aphrosunē) / fool (phaulos, mōros) / ignorance (agnoia) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
galen Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
gender Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
god, gods Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97, 111, 112, 119, 121
god (theos) ix Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
gods, harmony among Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
gods / goddesses, zeus Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
gods / goddesses Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
gods and humans Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97, 111, 121, 136
good (moral) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
harmony among the gods Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
harmony with nature Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 149
heracles Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
homonoia Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97
human being, and god in epictetus Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
humankind, unity of Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97
humans united with god Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
judgment (krisis) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
jupiter Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014) 296
khrysippos Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 149
knowledge Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
koinonia Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
long, a. a. Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
lucius verus Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
marcus aurelius Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136, 149
medea Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
mind Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
musonius rufus Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 121, 149
nature Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 33
oikeiosis Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97
oldfather, w. a. Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
person Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
plants Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 33
plutarch Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
polytheism Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
prohairesis Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
prohairesis (choice) in epictetus, translation Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
providence Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
reason, faculty, rationality/irrationality Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
reason, faculty Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
reason (human) / rational faculty (logos, logistikon) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
sarapis Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 136
sarx (flesh), in epictetus' Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
scala naturae Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 33
see also illness, vows, physicians Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
senses / sense-perception (aisthēsis) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
sorabji, r. Engberg-Pedersen, Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit (2010) 237
soul Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29, 33
soul / mind (psuchē, animus) vii Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
stoic thought Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97, 121
stoicism, stoic views Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
stoicism / stoic / stoa Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
student / disciple Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
sungeneia Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97, 111, 136
training (askēsis) Lee, Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind: Mapping the Moral Milieu of the Apostle Paul and His Diaspora Jewish Contemporaries (2020) 288
universal state Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 119, 121
universe, citizen of the Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 97, 111, 112, 119, 121
venus Konstan and Garani, The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry (2014) 296
zeno Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29
zeus Rüpke and Woolf, Religious Dimensions of the Self in the Second Century CE (2013) 29; Stanton, Unity and Disunity in Greek and Christian Thought under the Roman Peace (2021) 121, 149