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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Demosthenes, Orations, 59.52-59.53

nanStephanus brought suit for alimony against him in the Odeum Actions for alimony were carried before a tribunal which sat in the Odeum, a building properly devoted to musical contests in accordance with the law which enacts that, if a man puts away his wife, he must pay back the marriage portion or else pay interest on it at the rate of nine obols a month for each mina That is, at the rate of 18 per cent. ; and that on the woman’s behalf her guardian may sue him for alimony in the Odeum. Phrastor, on his part, preferred an indictment against Stephanus before the Thesmothetae, charging that he had betrothed to him, being an Athenian, the daughter of an alien woman as though she were his own. This was in accordance with the following law. (To the clerk.) Read it, please. The Law If anyone shall give an alien woman in marriage to an Athenian man, representing her as being related to himself, he shall lose his civic rights and his property shall be confiscated, and a third part of it shall belong to the one who secures his conviction. And anyone entitled to do so may indict such a person before the Thesmothetae, just as in the case of usurpation of citizenship.

nanThe clerk has read you the law in accordance with which this fellow Stephanus was indicted by Phrastor before the Thesmothetae. Stephanus, then, knowing that, if he were convicted of having given in marriage the daughter of an alien woman, he would be liable to the heaviest penalties, came to terms with Phrastor and relinquished his claim to marriage portion, and withdrew his action for alimony; and Phrastor on his part withdrew indictment from the Thesmothetae. To prove that my statements are true, I will call before you as witness to these facts Phrastor himself, and will compel him to give testimony as the law commands.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

14 results
1. Aristophanes, Wasps, 1109, 1108 (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

1108. οἱ μὲν ἡμῶν οὗπερ ἅρχων, οἱ δὲ παρὰ τοὺς ἕνδεκα
2. Isaeus, Orations, 6.19-6.21, 7.8-7.9 (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

3. Plato, Menexenus, None (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

4. Thucydides, The History of The Peloponnesian War, 2.34.8 (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

2.34.8. Meanwhile these were the first that had fallen, and Pericles, son of Xanthippus, was chosen to pronounce their eulogium. When the proper time arrived, he advanced from the sepulchre to an elevated platform in order to be heard by as many of the crowd as possible, and spoke as follows:
5. Aristotle, Athenian Constitution, 9.1, 41.2, 63.3 (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

6. Demosthenes, Orations, 59.1-59.7, 59.10-59.16, 59.50, 59.53, 59.59, 59.72 (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

7. Pausanias, Description of Greece, 1.28.8 (2nd cent. CE - 2nd cent. CE)

1.28.8. The Athenians have other law courts as well, which are not so famous. We have the Parabystum (Thrust aside) and the Triangle; the former is in an obscure part of the city, and in it the most trivial cases are tried; the latter is named from its shape. The names of Green Court and Red Court, due to their colors, have lasted down to the present day. The largest court, to which the greatest numbers come, is called Heliaea. One of the other courts that deal with bloodshed is called “At Palladium,” into which are brought cases of involuntary homicide. All are agreed that Demophon was the first to be tried there, but as to the nature of the charge accounts differ.
8. Epigraphy, Agora Xv, 20

9. Epigraphy, Agora Xvi, 48

10. Epigraphy, Ig I , 377, 364

11. Epigraphy, Ig I , 377, 364

12. Epigraphy, Ig Ii2, 1496, 2621, 4973-4974, 1235

13. Epigraphy, Seg, 2.7

14. Epigraphy, Ig Ii3, 324, 917, 292

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
actor Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
adolescent Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
adoption, by will Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
adoption, disputed Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
adoption Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 69, 603
affection Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 69
agora Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 42
alkibiades, and associates Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
anchisteia Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 41
anepsiôn paides Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 41
anthesteria (festival) Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
apatouria Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602, 603, 870
aphrodite, pandemos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
apollo, hebdomaios Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603
apollodoros son of pasion, and neaira Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 689, 697, 1044
apollodorus against neaera, authorship Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
apollodorus against neaera, documents in Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
apollodorus against neaera, outline of the case Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
apotropaios, delios Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1136
arbitration Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
artemis, orthosia Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
asklepios, dedications Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
athena, phratria Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
athena, polias Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
autochthony, and exclusiveness Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
bourriot, f. Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 627
brytidai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603, 697, 1136
burial, deme festival Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
citizen, citizenship, marriage with non-citizens Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
citizenship, scrutiny Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602, 870
compromise Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603, 697
cook, cooking Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
crown, city Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
curse tablets Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
death in childbirth Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
delos, amphiktyons/athenian officials Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 689
demarch, in specific demes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870, 1136
deme, assembly Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
deme Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
diadikasia Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594
diaitêtai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 697
diokles of phlya Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
dionysos, in demes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
disputes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 697
dropping lawsuits Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603, 697
enguê Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
ephesis Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594
epikleros, adoption Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 69
epikleros, law Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 41
epilektoi Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
eumolpidai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 689
eupatridai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 627
euthynai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
exegetai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 690
fines Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594
foundling Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 95
funeral oration, influence on athenians Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 42
games Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
gamêlia Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
general Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
gennêtês Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 627
graphê, xenias Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
guardian Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 95
half-siblings, uterine, same-sex Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
hekatostai records Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1136
hera Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
herald Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
hero Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
heroine Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
hetaira Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
hierophant Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 689, 690, 697
homogalaktes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 627
homosexuality Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
horos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
justice, king archon Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
kallias iii, disputed children Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603
kallias iii, marriages Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
kerykes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603, 627, 689, 690
komarch, kômê Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1136
koureion Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594, 603
kourotrophos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
krokonidai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 627
lamb Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594
lawcourt, eligibility Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 42
lawcourt, meeting places Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 42
lawcourt, origins Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 42
leosthenes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
leschê Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 627
loutrophoros Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
mantitheos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603
meion Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594, 603, 697
mesogeioi Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 690
midwife Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
myth, athenians knowledge of Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 42
name, from kin Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1044
name, of dogs Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 267
name, of horses Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 267
name, of women Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 267
name, pet Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 267
name, religious Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 689
name Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 267
neaera Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
neaira Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231, 603, 697, 1044
nothos, and genos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 697
nothos, inheritance Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 69
nothos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 69
oath, in disputes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 697, 870
oath, in phratry Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594, 603
oligarchy, backlash Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594
oligarchy, the thirty Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986, 1136
orgas Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 690
orphan Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 95
painting Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
peripolos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
phano (daughter of neaera) Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 109
philokrates of hagnous Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 690
phoinikes Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 1136
phratry, admission Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 41
phratry, and adoption Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
phratry, and deme Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
phratry Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594, 602, 603
plynteria Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
poet/poetry Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
poseidon Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
priestess, local Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
pythaistai Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
sacrifice Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594
semele Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870
sitos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 697
sitêsis Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 986
slaves, home-bred Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 267
spondophoroi Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 689, 690
succession Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 41
synegoros Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 697
sôgambros Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 69
thargelia Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603
thasos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 602
thiasos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 603
threptos Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 95
thucydides, pericles funeral oration Barbato, The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past (2020) 42
widow/widower, guardian Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 95
widow/widower, remarriage Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 95
wilamowitz, u. von Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 594
will, disputed Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
will Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 95
witness, in deme dispute Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 697
women, and assocations, influence' Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 231
zeus, polieus Humphreys, Kinship in Ancient Athens: An Anthropological Analysis (2018) 870