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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Demosthenes, Orations, 21.42

nanVery well; since he has clearly done what I accuse him of, and has done it by way of insult, we must now consider the laws, gentlemen of the jury, for it is in accordance with the laws that you have sworn to give your verdict. Observe, moreover, that the laws treat the willful and insolent transgressors as deserving more resentment and a heavier punishment than other classes of offenders.

Intertexts (texts cited often on the same page as the searched text):

3 results
1. Lysias, Orations, 31.11 (5th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

2. Aeschines, Letters, 3.197 (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

3. Demosthenes, Orations, 21.8-21.10, 21.12, 21.45, 21.47-21.48, 21.50-21.61, 21.123 (4th cent. BCE - 4th cent. BCE)

Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
anger, in oratory Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
anger Gagarin and Cohen, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005) 381
athens/athenian Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
demosthenes, prosecution of meidias Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
demosthenes Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
law, athenian. Gagarin and Cohen, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005) 206
law courts Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
lawgiver Gagarin and Cohen, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005) 206
lysias Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
meidias Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77; Gagarin and Cohen, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005) 206
oratory athenian Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
orge, in classical athens Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
pity, in oratory Braund and Most, Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen (2004) 77
rhetoric Gagarin and Cohen, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005) 206
tragedy, and law' Gagarin and Cohen, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (2005) 381