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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Demosthenes, Funeral Oration, 8

nanThey so prevailed over the invading host of the Amazons as to expel them beyond the Phasis, and the host of Eumolpus and of many another foeman they drove not only out of their own land but also from the lands of all the other Greeks — invaders whom all those dwelling on our front to the westward neither withstood nor possessed the power to halt. Moreover, they were styled the saviors of the sons of Heracles, who himself was the savior of the rest of mankind, when they arrived in this land as suppliants, fleeing before Eurystheus. In addition to all these and many other noble deeds they refused to suffer the lawful rites of the departed to be treated with despite when Creon forbade the burial of 'the Seven against Thebes.'

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
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