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Tiresias: The Ancient Mediterranean Religions Source Database

Cyril Of Jerusalem, Procatechesis, 11

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Subjects of this text:

subject book bibliographic info
ambrose Glowalsky, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation (2020) 60
apostles creed Glowalsky, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation (2020) 60
baptism Glowalsky, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation (2020) 60
catechumen/catechumenate Glowalsky, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation (2020) 60
cyprian Glowalsky, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation (2020) 60
easter octave Glowalsky, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation (2020) 60
old testament' Glowalsky, Rhetoric and Scripture in Augustine’s Homiletic Strategy: Tracing the Narrative of Christian Maturation (2020) 60